For readers of this thread, there are a few clarifications necessary.
Some teach double predestination, even heard those not Calvinistic teach it.
Predestination is in the Scripture, so is election.
HOWEVER, (and this is important) God does not choose anyone to go to hell.
John 3 clearly states those that do not believe are CONDEMNED ALREADY. They are not elected for condemnation, but are already condemned.
God does choose them, because God purposes His choices according to His will.
Double predestination is a lie, and is a distraction by the enemy from the truth, just as Eve was distracted from the truth - facts.
To this end, it is important to remember these basic principles:
- All have sinned, non are righteous, (Romans)
- God gives light to every person (John 1)
- To those who do not turn away from (or repent and turn toward) the light and dwell in, take (in), accept to THEM God grants the power to become His child. (John 1)
- Faith is the gift (the empowerment) of God - belief and faith are the same Greek word.
- God discerns the needs of every person, and the most unfair treatment is treating one person the same as another. God certainly provides for the just and unjust, but He may also discern to withdraw His hand from either.
One other point, “Darby Dispensation” is merely a scheme just as Covenant Theology, or Christocentric Theology is a scheme.
All of them have some value to enhance the believer’s discernment, and a believer who clings to one and rejecting the total of others may certainly miss something.
One thing not in the Bible?
God being a white man, and Jesus have a shinny tan complexion, with long straight silky brown/black hair, trimmed bear, and brown eyes.