Okay so I made a mistake with the blanket incident. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
"You have evidently decided that every activity the the U.S. ever undertook was for wicked and selfish purposes."
Not America Nightshift, merely those individuals and groups that say they are acting on America's behalf and are in fact acting either on their own behalf or the behalf of other individuals or groups.
I was schooled in the thought that in America our system of government was of by and for the people, so imagine my chagrin that day in which I finally realized the truth. It just ain't so anymore and maybe never was. Elitist interests rule over this nation the same as they do every other nation on this planet the main difference is here they have continued to foster the illusion that we live in a free country to keep the people from revolting en mass.
During the Abbeville Institute’s week-long summer school a few weeks ago a student asked the Institute’s founder and director, Professor Don Livingston of Emory University, a question about the composition of "The Left" and "The Right" in American politics today. He wanted Professor Livingston’s opinion of the prospects for the success of "The Right" to get the country to move in a more conservative direction. Professor Livingston correctly pointed out that the premise of the question was all wrong.
The premise, of course, was that America’s highly centralized, monopolistic, imperialistic, federal government – the Lincolnite state – is desirable if not inevitable. Consequently, the route to greater freedom and prosperity is for "The Right" to control the federal Leviathan and use the levers of federal power to achieve its political ends.
It is true that, since the death of genuine federalism – sometimes called "states’ rights" – in 1865, this has indeed been the political game. But it is not inevitable. An alternative way of thinking of how to achieve a freer and more prosperous society is through the devolution of political power, as Professor Livingston responded. Therein lies the only hope of citizens ever being able to control their own government and becoming sovereign over it once again.
Forget about the fantasy of controlling the federal government. It has accumulated so much power and created so many vested interests in that power, that any genuine conservatives or libertarians who become a part of it are immediately targeted, sabotaged, worn down, smeared, and marginalized so that they have no influence whatsoever. The entire apparatus of the centralized state will always view this as its number one priority.
Thanks to KenH for this LINK
So you tell me Nightshift, how am I to argue for what I believe is in America's best interest which is to stand firm against the NWO or globalization or whatever politically correct name is given to international elitism when so many of you are still glorying in the grand illusion that America is still a free country and so many of you have bought into the false left vs right paradigm?
Am I so foolish as to think my rantings and postsings will ever wake all you guys up to the tyranny we face from imposters posing as our saviours, to these globalist wolves in sheeps clothing? To be honest no, but that ain't gonna stop me from trying because I still think this country and it's people and the idea of freedom real freedom is worth it.
Forget about the fantasy of controlling the federal government. It has accumulated so much power and created so many vested interests in that power, that any genuine conservatives or libertarians who become a part of it are immediately targeted, sabotaged, worn down, smeared, and marginalized so that they have no influence whatsoever. The entire apparatus of the centralized state will always view this as its number one priority.
So tell me Nightshift, are you so scared of the elites terror bombings that you'll just give up on the idea of America altogether? Will you just shrug your shoulders give up your liberty and put the chains of a global tyranny on your own posterity so you can feel safe? I won't.