I don't know. We have had insurance all along and each year the insurance has gotten more and more costly. Now it's exorbitant and we've had to switch to a very limited insurance. Almost all of our doctors are on it except my gynecologist and my daughter's surgeon. My gyn is no big deal - I see him once a year and this year I just paid the $125 office visit for my annual check-up but it makes me nervous to not have my daughter's surgeon on the plan. We paid out of pocket for her to see him as well and fortunately all is good.
I've also noticed something new. We have a co-pay for our insurance of $15 for our GP and $35 for specialists. I'm also now getting additional bills for additional co-pays for all lab work including even influenza and strep tests which were always included in the doctor's visit. But it seems now those bills are counted separately according to the health insurance so going to the doctor with strep now costs $15 for the visit, $35 for the strep test and then another however much the antibiotics cost. I'm definitely not happy with this.
And if you don't pay up, they'll report you to the credit bureaus. Didn't used to, but most do now.