RD2 - it seems you're making your comments based on Evangelist's hurt feelings. I wonder; how many of his threads have you actually participated in?
I look at JonC, who might be considered one of those who has "decided to do their best to attack (Evangelist) every time they see a post from him." I find it interesting the evolution of how JonC came to this point; because in his initial posts to and exchanges with Evangelist, Evangelist called him a friend and would only converse with him. After the space of a few months, JonC's responses to Evangelist are almost completely opposite of what they once were; and Evangelist now refers to him as one of the "rabbits."
Why do you suppose that is?
I myself have gone through periods where I got exasperated with Evangelist, and let my posts speak the truth about the way he acted. Then I would go back and try again in a more positive, constructive manner; only to find myself getting exasperated again.
He recently started a thread about Mark 4; I disagreed with his initial premise, but defended his position against a misunderstanding by another poster...and I got called out by him in another thread for being "problematic."
What do you do with someone who constantly and consistently points to books instead of The Book? What do you do with someone who calls others "rabbits" because they disagree with him, while making sure he identifies that someone somewhere at some time agrees with him?
You're pretty quick to read his "oh woe is me" comments here, and offer sympathy to him; where were you in all his other threads where he was offended because people disagreed with him?
Don - I am not disagreeing with you and your observations, I am just saying that if people do not like what this brother has to say, or post, then don't read his stuff. Eventually he'll quit posting, due to lack of participation from others.
No one is forcing anyone to read his OP's, and even more so, no one is forcing others to attack him unmercifully. It is this kind of spirit that bothers me with some on the board.
Some folks are nothing more than snark-specialists, and in doing so, they not only hurt the author of the post, but themselves and the witness of the board!
We need to treat this board like church. I can bet that most who love to snark and attack others would in turn not act this way in their church? And if they did, I'd question wheater that church would be open to and welcoming them with open arms!
Once again, I am talking abot Christian civility, and even charity, by letting these posts pass with little or no recognition! It is the negative recognition that starts a war of words, and the words are always ending ugly!
Shalom, and thank for your words!