So it’s ‘shady’ & ‘reactionary’, got it. I think it’s hopeful, & past due if the SBC is to survive. They don’t represent me in their evolved state, that I can tell you. They are on the wrong road at the moment, merging with all the woke traffic on the road to nowhere.Right between those two quotes was this very telling bit of shadiness:
It's important to know that:
Chuck Kelley is Dorothy Patterson's brother.
Brad Jurkovich, the spokesman for this reactionary outfit, was brought on to share the platform with Paige Patterson at the recent Pigg conference.
One more thing........The shadiest thing I’ve seen lately is how they ‘handled’ the dismissal of Paige Patterson. It went down just the way they planned, with barely a whimper. Onward, isn’t that a fave of the left?
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