A new Conservative Baptist Network has been formed within the Southern Baptist Convention. Their website begins with five bullet points:
It also says there will be a "Launch Event" June 8, 2020.
- The Network affirms the longstanding Baptist beliefs as expressed in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
- The Network affirms the inerrancy, supremacy, and sufficiency of the Bible in all facets of life and application.
- The Network affirms religious liberty and encourages Christian individuals and churches to influence the culture by engaging in the public policy process and demonstrating their patriotism.
- The Network rejects various unbiblical ideologies currently affecting the Southern Baptist Convention such as Critical Race Theory, intersectionality, and social justice.
- The Network is committed to seeing the SBC function biblically — efficiently, and strategically — believing Convention entities and leadership are accountable to and encouraged by the autonomous, local churches that cooperate together.
Christian Post reports this:
Conservative Baptist Network launched amid 'woke' trend in SBC, emphasizing Scripture, evangelism
Thank you for sharing. I have signed up for emails and information.