Let's talk about Victory of the Daleks.
I've done this with spoiler fonts for those of you who haven't seen the episode yet.
*** spoilers ***
Stop me if you've heard this before.
The Doctor comes face to face with his oldest and deadliest enemy. However, instead of the mighty Dalek Empire seen in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, we see the beatup Daleks like they are in Daleks in Manhattan, only worse. I'm reminded of this line from Revenge of the Cybermen.
"You've no home planet, no influence, nothing. You're just a bunch of pathetic tin soldiers skulking about the galaxy in an ancient spaceship!"
I've only watched it once, so it's unclear to me where these Daleks come from. Regardless, they're beat up, decrepit and on their last legs. We've seen this story before, right? The last of the Daleks have a plan to do something, but the Doctor will dispatch them and one of them will somehow find a way to get away and survive. Then, we do the same thing for the next story. Lather, rinse and repeat.
Not so fast, my friend.
This story was titled Victory of the Daleks. It's not an ironic title. They get a victory here over the Doctor. And the victory isn't just that they survive. They survive and are stronger than they've been since The Time War (Stolen Earth/Journey's End notwithstanding).
I was tired of the Daleks after Journey's End. Never wanted to see them again. Now, I've become interested in seeing them again. I've become interested in seeing where Moffat is going with them. I don't know whether the Daleks are coming back again this season or not, but there's no question in my mind that we'll be seeing them in Season 6.
Best line of the story, and maybe the season: "Yes, it's a jammy dodger, but I was promised tea."
There are several questions to be answered and I have no guesses as to the answers.
#1, why doesn't Amy recognize the Daleks?
#2, going back to The Eleventh Hour, why was Rory's hospital badge dated 1990, but the technology the Doctor used was from 2010?
#3, what's the Pandorica?
#4, is Amy causing the cracks, or are the cracks following her? Or, since the crack looks the same, is it the same crack everytime?
#5, again going back to The Eleventh Hour, where are Amy's parents? Where is her aunt?
*** spoilers end ***
If The Eleventh Hour gets a grade of A or even A+, Victory of the Daleks gets a solid B, maybe a B+. Looking forward to Time of the Angels and more of Alex Kingston, aka Professor River Song.