You beat someone possibly to death because they spit on you?! That was the injunction I was referencing. And even if it was urine, any damage is done by the time it hits you so all you would be doing is retaliating not defending yourself, which sits really, really uneasily with that whole Matt 5-7 Sermon on the Mount 'Turn the other Cheek' motif.
Lets get this straight, we are to turn the cheek to an insult, not a direct assault. Spitting, throwing pee and feces is not a verbal insult, it is a direct assault and ignoring evil does NOT make it disappear. Ask Bill Clinton how lobbing a bomb at an aspirin factory after the first bombing (truck) at the World Trade Center stopped the second bombing that killed around 3000 people. It didn't. It was a joke and it cost us many lives playing pacifist to terrorist.
Biological bombs are not just harmless jokes, if they were, Antifa would not be using them. They are meant to do damage, not spread love and cheer. Spit in that police officers sandwich and see if that gets you the other cheek turned.
"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on
your right cheek, turn the other to him also." Mat. 5:38-39
I can't believe how some people are apologetic to terrorist acts.
The pacifist view of a woman being raped would be "give the rapist an extra hour". Father to his daughter.... "don't resist the evil man dear".
A slap "on your
right cheek" would normally be a back-handed slap such as an insult. A punch to the face would usually land on the
left cheek, as most men are right-handed Thus Jesus was not talking about a full-fledged violent attack.
No doubt this passage is trying to teach us to have patience, forgiveness, and self control... but it was not in reference to something like a deadly assault with biological filth that could contain things that make you sick.
We are to give place to wrath (government/police) when applicable. But I see nothing wrong with chasing down a thug and giving him a few punches to remember while waiting for the police to arrest him. As a matter of fact, once in Florida on vacation we caught a fellow climbing on the ladies shower house. He was peeking in while my young sister and cousins were singing and bathing. I have no problem when a bunch of us pulled him down and tenderized him before calling the police.
You no doubt would of helped him back up to take a second look.
Perhaps you feel churches when sued should pay double the fees too. Listen, graciousness from the believer in his personal life is an enduring virtue, but equating something that can kill you over time with just an insult does not do it for me.
There is a reason those police officers have to be tested for disease after having bitten into a spit on sandwich. It is not a harmless act throwing items that one does not know the contents of. And some can claim that urine is sterile, but you will not find one of them handling it without plastic gloves for a reason.