I have no problems with people using tracts. But sometimes I do have a problem with the way tracts are used. Just handing them out may result in a lot of trash – but if God uses that tract to reach just one person then it was worth the investment. I don’t think simply handing out tracts is evangelism or witnessing, but it can be a part of it (I never read tracts handed to me).
But there are some people who are ‘tract people.’ They rely far too much on tracts to supplement dialogue and relational evangelism (for an example of what I mean by relational evangelism, see the example of the woman at the well). There is a CoG down the road. They will follow those stupid tracts line by line as if I can’t read. And when they are done, they will say “see” and I will say “no, explain” and they will leave disappointed.
Like any of these methods, tracts can be used as a tool or they can get in the way. I personally shy away from tracts because they are less personal and they hint that the evangelist may not know what he is trying to explain to his target.
Okay try building a relationship or getting into a conversation with a thousand people in DT Denver. Everytime I go out I get into a conversation with at least one person, but many these days are very busy and running from one place to another. What better way to reach them than with tracts?