Not to beat a dead horse... but this is simply false.
First, I have never admitted to embracing the NPP. .
Why the pejorative laden post?
First off, you're not being honest and are angry using name calling. What I've stated about NPP and forensic justification within this systen, and their rejection of this is absolutely true.
Secondly, what I've stated concerning the view of NPP is well known fact.
Here's your comment on this accepting NPP, then you act as if you don't:
Let's be fair first of all... this is no longer "new". It has been hashed and rehashed in the academic world. It just takes 30 years to leak down to us laymen.
Personally, I find a lot of value in the historical method that was employed to get to the various positions. But honestly, I've not read a lot of material on either sides so far. I was hoping to get to it, but it is hard to access some of the materials outside of the country. I hope to read Wright's Justification soon.
This is accepting this position as true. In your own words.
And more:
I'll admit that I'm still searching and even that I have been greatly influenced recently b/c I have been reading many of Wright's seminal work in NT studies. That said, I don't claim to be an expert in the debate. However, let me offer my conclusions.
To state that Wright is preaching "another gospel" is to equate him as accursed and damned. If that be the case, you are declaring him apostate and not a true follower of Jesus.
But at close examination, he argues his case and it is compelling enough to say that his gospel is not "another gospel." In fact, it sounds like the lordship gospel presentation that you'll hear from Piper, Washer, MacArthur and others. The gospel is Jesus Christ is Lord. He upholds faith in that message which demands a repentant lifestyle of lordship to Jesus.
It is not so much that he is denying justification by faith but defining it differently. But the essentials of the gospel and man's conversion have not changed. Only that your concept of justification related to imputed righteousness of Jesus is his vindication of God's judgment which is based on previous forgiveness and entrance into God's covenant community.
Now his concept of imputed righteousness is a bit difficult for me b/c it is a doctrine that I have taught and been taught many years. But he does make some valid arguments, and they should not be summarily dismissed b/c it goes against a tradition. That is not the reformation theology I have come to know and appreciate.
And he still admits that we have been given a righteousness from God based on Phil. 3:10f. He also admits a union with Messiah. So as the Messiah is, so are we. Only the Messiah was vindicated to be righteous, and thus so are we being crucified with him and raised with him.
The only contention as it relates to imputed righteousness is that he is not talking of that doctrine in relationship to justification. He distinguishes and moves it to another part of the salvation process. So far, he seems fairly orthodox though a bit different from the tradition. But in total, not out in left field.
He also says that justification or vindication is something we do, which Paul says as well. But he, as a reformed theologian, also admits that it is a work still wrought by and through the Holy Spirit. What I appreciate is that he is taking difficult statements in Romans 2 (specifically v. 13) about works related to justification and giving them an answer that fits the context of history and the Jewish audience that it was addressed in chps. 2-3.
Conclusion: I like that Wright is still studying and working at making sense of Scripture. He is doing a fine job of putting Scripture in a good working system that patches up the wholes of Luther and Calvin. Wright's perspective of Paul should be given another day in court. I'm not sure if I'm there, but his views are convincing. I don't see it as heterodoxy at all.
You agree with what you THINK are his teachings. They're compelling to you because you've been hoodwinked to accept his errors.
He rejects the completion and eternality of forensic justification. It's a proven fact.
Nothing I have said is strawman. At all. But dealing with you has proven to be dealing with one who won't be honest about what NPP and especially what Wright actually teaches.
Just because Wright had some good NT studies doesn't turn his false teachings on justification/imputation into truth.
Of course he attempts to move justification apart from salvation. But it's too late. He needs to recant his position that judicial justification falls short.
Leave off your pejorative insults of thick, ignorant, popery and other strawman comments. It's rather childish banter.
What I've offered of Wrights view is truth.
I ask again, are you completely and eternally justified forensicly, by God or not?
A simple yes or no is sufficient, minus the name calling and character attacks. OK? Thanks.
In addition, a red flag is raised whenever someone goes against the finality and eternality of one being declared righteous by God Himself. Simply allowing false, nonbiblical doctrines, and doctrines that go against this traditional truth is a bad sign to say the least. This is not following the rule of Scripture in 2 Thess. 2:15.