First - You know that I said no such thing.
I made no claims about what you said...
So, yes, whatever I claim you "said"...
obviously, you didn't say it.
In case you missed it - I DO SUPPORT LEO!
I missed nothing, and yes, I know you support LEO...
You are very supportive of Law enforcement...
I didn't challenge nor debate that.
But changing our flag is NOT the way to do it.
No one is changing our flag....
The blue line rendition of the flag is a way of supporting law enforcement, and it harkens back to the fact that along with our brave military forces....defenders of freedom are also, and always those who keep law and order.
There is no freedom without both functions.
And for your info many civilians, in addition to the military have assisted in our freedoms.
You don't inform me of anything.
I informed you...
I doubt that.
but I will let you figure that out.
I have, that's why I'm not super impressed with the "Salty was once in the Army, thus, we all have to worship his form of patriotism"...…..
I was a United States weren't.
Your status as once in the Army doesn't impress me one whit...
I earned my right to say anything I want.
Thus your post is totally out of line
It was in line I have nothing to apologize for, I stand by every word.
You are not the default keeper of our holy symbols because you were some random bloke who identifies himself as having once been in the Army.
I say, I like that blue line symbol of the flag, and it is designed to tell us something important.
What it tells us, is that the thin red line between communism and freedom was defended by our military, and that same thin blue line protects us from anarchy via proper understanding of law....
I like that flag.
I support it.
I have as much right to like it as a Marine, as you do to dislike it as a Soldier...
I disagree with you, I call you out, I say you are wrong, and that isn't out of line.
I earned the right to say that as a United States Marine.
You were an Army soldier....good for you.
You can say what you want to.....
I'll be Darned, though, if you think I haven't earned the right to tell an Army bloke what I believe.
I'll say what I want to you.