Please explain:Steaver, When I talk about free will, I'm referring to spiritually dead heathens, whether or not they can embrace the gospel. Born from above Christians have a free will and have willed to embrace the gospel.
Act 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
Paul is preaching to the idolatrous Athenians who had not heard the gospel before. Paul had just finished preaching this great message to these unsaved pagans. Now he tells them that God commands them, as He commands ALL men EVERY WHERE to REPENT.
It is your contention that God is commanding these men to do something that they are totally unable to do. God is so cruel and capricious that he is commanding these pagans, most of whom (in your opinion) are the non-elect, even after hearing the gospel and having the opportunity to repent, could not repent anyway for God has predestined them to an eternal torment in the Lake of Fire separated from Him for all eternity?
What a cruel God that makes a mockery of Christianity and all that Christ stands for in His infinite love!