I would pray that you respond the same way that you do when heterosexuals shack up.
Within a New York minute...I would be all over that person like ants on a pile of pure cane sugar!
Yep you're confused about my position. My point is that the Church needs to be the Church and stop mouthing off about homosexual everything while almost ignoring the equivalent from heterosexuals.
Well....the problem is - in case you haven't noticed, brother - there is no SCOTUS decision about the rights of fornicating heterosexuals to be married and enjoy the same rights as same-sex couples.
The "rage" and current "fad" have nothing to do with heterosexual sin - which I know I am Scripturally and spiritually opposed to - but rather, homosexuals having the right to take upon themselves the "HOLY and SACRED" institution of marriage.
In my book, that is reason enough f all the "mouthing off" by those on this board. And when major denominations [Evangelical Lutherans, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian, and for a complete list of churches around the world, including some Baptist?] support the LGBT movement with conducting marriages, ordaining ministers of same-sex persuasion...there is just cause to focus our attention on the "Sin of the Day!"
For article on churches see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blessing_of_same-sex_unions_in_Christian_churches
That doesn't mean the church, and this means me, personally, have lost focus on other forms of heterosexual sins, God forbid. It just means, that when the north walls of your fortress are being attacked, you direct your forces and weapons to that weakest point during the attack to shore it up and support the efforts to quash the attack.
I can't speak for anyone else on this board, but no other forms of sin have become "lessened" in my battle to thwart the same-sex marriage goals.
If the church stood up for what it is supposed to and treated your sons and daughters in their heterosexual sin
[that you know of and have not started church discipline for!!!] the same way that the Church does homosexuals, some of you would get your feelings hurt.
Again, I can't speak for others on this board, but I can't believe the pastors I know - on the board - would in any way treat those heterosexuals that fornicate and commit adultery differently or with LESS attention or focus.
Sin is and always will be SIN - hetrosexual or homosexual - and it will be addressed, and those who commit it will be handled.
Nevertheless, let me point out one difference between the two types of fornicators - heterosexual and homosexual - one is a natural form of sin (and it is still an SIN), while the latter is an unnatural act as well as an SIN, and it needs to be treated as such. Not natural and in line with what God intended when He created man and woman! Does that make it one less than the other? No it doesn't, but same-sex marriage is all the "rage" right now, and it is drawing the attention.
Stop being silly. I'm a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You tell me what your position is when it comes to heterosexuality, heterosexuals shacking up, practicing heterosexual fornicators in the church PERIOD.
I do believe the above commentary on your commentary supports my response to your inquiry?
I pray that your response is Biblical and if it is, copy and paste it and you've got my position on all things homosexual.
Well, it is as Biblical as yours, and it seems to be more focused, balanced and intune with present day problems then your intense desire to redirect the argument!
I'm by far one of the most conservative folks on this board when it comes to God's word.
So you say? I would tend to believe you, if you weren't so intent on bemoaning the words of those who are righteously concerned with the latest attack on Christian morals and values: Same-sex marriage.
Not withstanding unlike you, I am willing to believe you mean well, by trying to get the rest of us to focus our action on all forms of sexual sin, both heterosexual and homosexual. Still, I find it rather curious that every time the subject of opposition to same-sex marriage is brought up; you jump on the dais and start thumping your chest and sticking your finger in our eyes, and accusing us - who are concerned over this LGBT attack on marriage - as forgetting heterosexual sins.
This is just not true, and I hope you will finally see this fact from my response in this recent commentary/response to my earlier response to you. At least, I hope so? If you can't see what I'm eluding to, Zaac, I am afraid that it is really you, not me, who is CONFUSED!
Do it consistently for the behavior out of heterosexuals and you won't hear my dissatisfaction. There are far more heterosexuals dishonoring marriage than there will ever be homosexuals who dishonor it.
As far as I have observed, I see no reason for your intense dissatisfaction. It is not like those on this board have turned a deaf ear, or spiritually ignored the sins of heterosexuals. I will say this for the last time: It is my belief that it is you who have missed the point..... Heterosexual sins are not being made legal by states and SCOTUS. It is same-sex sin, thus a reasonable, rathional person would clearly understand the urgency behind the church and its attempt to quash such moves.
I have not read anywhere, in any OP's, a pastor or layerson placing less importance on the other sins of man. Once again, it is you who continues to voice dissatisfaction - which is your God given right - which causes me to be complexed....but, after talking with you in these past few threads, I think I see where you are coming from, and that should make you feel validated when it comes to my dissatisfaction with your contuned dissatisfaction!
I pray we've both reached a form or facsimile of détente???
You're hilarious. Are you a heterosexual sympathizer?
I was being sarcastic....sorry. I am not good at comedy, which is why I became a standup pastor and not a standup comedian. :smilewinkgrin:
If you want to frame the conversation, start your own thread. I started this one to say what I intended to say. If you don't like it, politely leave and start your own.
Thank you for the offer to not respond to your OP's. I try to bitre my tongue with some of your over-the-top, sanctimonious OP's and comments. But, as Shammah son of Agee the Hararite (see 2 Samuel 8:11-17) demonstrated when he slayed hundreds of Philistines trying to plunder his field of lentils - for the umpteenth time - "Enough is enough!" I had to finnaly have my say, and I hope we have come to some form of understanding. :wavey:
Then I suppose you and many others have a hidden agenda to ignore the normalized heterosexual fornication and lust.
Now that, is nonsensical, silly, sublime, foolishness, reprehensible to even suggest, and just plain absurd!
And you don't. That's obvious. My stance on homosexuality is probably much more conservative than yours.
Your stance is covered with fluff and derogative accusatives against the rest of us, leaving me to question any form oc conservativeness! Sorry, but I tell it like it is!
I just don't run around acting like the morality of the world is gonna disappear just because homosexuals got a favorable decision from the SCOTUS. Especially when we don't make the same fuss about heterosexuals shacking up or fornicating.
Your church probably ain't much different from mine in that parents have kids who are heterosexually fornicating again and again and they know it. The same parents let them watch rated R movies, etc, etc. just as many in the church accept a certain level of heterosexual fornication and lust in their lives for the sake of entertainment.
So be consistent in the complaining or just shut up about it. It's difficult enough to present the Gospel to people as it is. The Church doesn't need the added burden of having to overcome the hypocrisy that so many already equate with everyone in the Church.
More fluff and unadvised accusations. I do not believe any pastor on the board is looking beyond any sin; we are just focused on the "Flavor of the Day" which happens to be same-sex marriage, and unnatural act; an unholy union; and a sacrilege against the Biblical World View of Holy Matirmony!
Like I said. You're OBVIOUSLY confused about my position. But it was OBVIOUS that you were confused.:laugh: