Salty, what can I say ... I knew you are a smart fellow. That was my thought. Go to England. Come back. Say, "Look folks, how experienced I am in foreign affairs."
You know, if a candidate is going to a foreign country they should try to learn a bit about the culture and the people before going. Then maybe they could come off as a bit intelligent.
I remember many years ago I read about a politician, a congressman who while visiting Israel asked, "What is this Gaza thing anyway?"
I remember the time an American politician traveled to India and took alone photos of himself bound in cow hide frames. Talk about insulting your guests.
Bush caused an uproar in Europe when he visited Slovakia and did not take his glove off before shaking hands with the Slovakian president. Big no, no in Europe whether it was a cold night or not ... and it was bitterly cold.
But, I do think you are right Salty ... foreign affairs experience. And for the most part we do speak the same language, but even there we can get tripped up. Not all words mean the same thing here as they do in England and vise versa.