Not too deep. Evolution. You're making fun of those who don't believe in it.
They were just pulling his chain. They knew what he would answer if he was honest. But he wasn't and tried to dodge the question.
I'm sure you don't. And you spelled "knows" wrong.
Did not know if you would catch it. Congratulations.
I am a conservative Libertarian.
ROFL. That is a good one. You want your state government telling you what is legal to wear or not legal to wear. You pseudo-cowboys will have to give up your tight blue jeans.

This is what you support.
You are a liberal neo-marxist, and not a very smart-one. And I didn't call anyone "Europeans".
Actually I am a traditional conservative, not one, like you who believes the super rich should be protected and the poor, the ill, children in need should be punished for not being super rich.
What is a Euroweenie if it is not a European. Now don't tell me you meant the monetary unit, the Euro.
Show me where the supreme court made anti-nudity laws illegal, because I've been laughing ever since you told that whopper.
Show me where the article is wrong. I am right until you prove the article wrong.
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