Odd....I was thinking the same of you and
@Wingman68 .
That said, you are wrong. The reason is I do not trust the pro-vax "experts" or the conspiracy theorist anti-vax "experts".
I base my decisions regarding the vaccine on what I see and experience (not propaganda from either side).
I am neither pro-vax or anti-vax. I see it for what it is - an option to be evaluated.
To claim those who are vaccinated are assimilated is asinine. Apparently you do not understand what "assimilated" means.
The pro-vax crowd and the snti-vax crowd are assimilated. They believe onny the conclusions tht come from their camp..
I have shared a lot of what I have witnessed in the CSRA. I have seen people die of COVID (young and old), hospitals limit procedures because of the increase in children struggling with the delta varient, young people having strokes after covid, young people in and out of the hospital struggling with organ damage from mild cases of covid, sections infected with covid where only the unvaccinated became sick and went to the ICU, over a dozen who got the delta varient with all of the unvacvinated having severe cases (1 died@l and all of the vaccinated having mild cold-like symptoms.
I'm sure if I had your experience of actually seeing people die in your area of the vaccine then I may have decided not to get vaccinated. But here it was opposite.