There is a significant amount of difference between this case and that of Michael Brown. Though I won't belabor the point, Mr Garner was just standing there and began being harassed by police officers. He offered no resistance. He made no threats. He made no violent acts.
Then one came up from behind and put him in an illegal choke hold. He soon passed out and was left alone, without medical attention for 7 minutes. During this time Mr Garner died.
The choke hold the officer place on Mr Garner has been outlawed by the NYPD since 1993 (I believe) because it causes death.
I have little to no hope for racial reconciliation in our country right now. I also have high concern for the growing police state. This must stop today. African Americans are just as human as the rest of us. Yet they have been the victims of police brutality, targeting, shootings, and profiling that does not happen to other races.
That the grand jury refused to indict is really, really troubling. When I heard today, I had to take a few minutes of prayer to calm down. This is all very disturbing.