Revmitchell said:
Either you did not watch one single speech made by Obama or you are just not telling the truth:
And by the way small business owners are making 250,000 which he wants to jam with higher taxes. He fails to be honest there.
Thanks for the clips from the non-biased Fox news, the station who CLAIMS to give both sides equal time (yea right). Let's use these clips so I can break this down and show you why I said PL statement was wrong and I am right by saying 95% would not see an increase in their taxes is an accurate statement.
Let's get the quotes...
From the first clip...
1. I will help pay for this by asking folks making more than $250K/yr [mysterious and abrupt snip there (that is $250K and up to pay more)]
2. As president, I will cut taxes for every
WORKING family making less than $200K/yr (ie... tax cuts begin at $200K/yr).
3. It should go to middle class people, people making less than $150K/yr (gaff machine Joe Biden so don't blame Obama).
4. Bill Richards said $120K and below (again, not Obama giving this number so don't blame him)
He said in the second clip...
1. I will eliminate capitol gains taxes on small businesses and start up's (there goes your small business warning).
2. I will cut taxes for 95% of
WORKING families (keep this number in mind)
3. He then asked everyone who makes less than $250K/yr to raise their hands, he said I am speaking to you. You will not see your taxes
RAISED one single dime under my administration (didn't say cut, said will not raise).
4. 95% will see your taxes go down (again, 95% will see tax cut)
Now let's open up the facts by breaking down the countries incomes...
Please see this link of 2007 salary statistics. If you look closely at column 1 labeled Households you will see that only 3.7% of American households make more than $200K/yr. So this demographic says that 96.3% of American households make less than $200K/yr.
If you add .2% to this demographic, you will see that only 3.9% of American households make more than $150,000 to $199,999. This means 96.1% of American households make LESS than $150K/yr.
According to Obama's promise, if he cuts taxes at $150K/yr and below he is cutting taxes for 96.1% of American's which when rounding makes 95% a fairly accurate statement. Even if he cut taxes at $200K/yr he is still accurately rounding by by using the number 95%. In both cases it actually more than 95% (either 96.1% or 96.3%) that would receive the tax cut but 96.1% doesn't sound as good in a campaign speech.
Also note the Families column which is 4.8% and 5% respectively. Is that more accurate and better?
You see, where the GOP went wrong was trying to split the hairs of $200k/yr and $250K/yr without listening. They were trying so hard to catch him in a lie that they weren't listening to what he was saying. Yes, he kept using two different figures but if you listen closely he consistently said for earners $250K/yr and above taxes would go up vs. earners $200K/yr and below taxes would go down which means $200k/yr to $250K/yr would remain unchanged.
The other thing this clip points out is America (Joe Biden and Bill Richards) really don't know what middle class is...