The Scripture you quoted says nothing about "representation,"
Oh boy, tell me what the passage is reffering to.
and you said in "everything" which would go beyond politics.
So, do you feel good about buying food, or other items from someone who might take that money while supporting abortion?
I do not feel bad nor do I find any scripture which teaches me to buy only from non-sinners. If there is such a scripture then we must all starve or grow our own food.
Do you grill everyone at every store you deal with about this issue like you do here?
No. I do grill everyone who openly tells me they are Christian and pro-murder or supporting representatives who are.
I don't ask the gas station man if he is Christian or pro-murder before I buy from him because scripture does not require it of me to ask everyone what their sins are before I purchase something from them.
Scripture does tell me to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers as well as have nothing to do with the unfruitful
WORKS of darkness.
The only way I could be in violation of this command is if I somehow participated in the act of another's sin or my own and willfully supported sin in ANY way shape or form.
Buying gas is not participating in sin. Fellowship with another is not participating in sin. Doing what the other is doing, if sin, is participating. Helping another sin is participating. Giving another some money knowingly to help carry out sin is participating in sin.
Knowingly sending another to go lead the country into sin is participating in sin.
Buying a man's gas, even if he is an atheist, is not a sin. God loves him and feeds him and shelters him with the money he receives from selling his gas. Will I buy his porn? No. That would be something to do with the unfruitful WORKS of darkness.
You have the Spirit of Christ. Why wrestle with the obvious truth. Voting for a KNOWN, openly pro-murder, kill them anyway you want, all day long, candidate who DECLARES it will continue as long as he has anything to say about it,
The man just doesn't have his own opinion. The man gets to REPRESENT ALL THOSE WHO
SUPPORTED him (as well as those who didn't) and those who SUPPORT the man
KNOWS FULL WELL that this man will seal the fate and the slaughter of many, many, many more innocent children.
Yet, you here nothing but appathy. People more concerned about SELF. Guised as we need to help those who are alive and living in this country. Really? At the cost of slaughtering children?
Every single person who has ever ran for President WANTS TO HELP EVERYONE LIVING IN THIS COUNTRY! So this argument is mute.
Every person who has ever ran for President HATES WAR! Mute again.
Every person who ever ran for President KNOWS there will be times when a free country MUST FIGHT TO STAY FREE! Mute again.
Every person who has ever ran for President KNOWS there will be times when the enemy MUST BE SOUGHT OUT AND DESTROYED BEFORE THEY DESTROY US! Mute again.
Do you really believe Obama or Hillary is going to end war? This is fairytales! It is a sound bite and the people are falling for it. Remember when the democrats were going to end the war and got the people all fired up and took over the house of representatives? WHAT HAPPENED?
ANSWER.....They refused to stop it!!!!!!!
Obama and Hillary have the kool-aid drinkers locked up. You think they will end war? Drink up!
God bless!
