In response to my original post (#20 @ 12/24/08 12:04) in which I made a passing editorial comment questioning how closely POTUS #42 complied w/ a portion of the contents of Exodus 20 that one would assume was found within the contents of the Bible on which POTUS #42 twice placed his hand and repeated the words found in Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 6 of the US Constitution---a document that I spent close to 22 years defending on 3 different continents as a member of both the REGAF's 4453d CCTW (Tactical Air Command) in AZ [2 yrs] and both the 26th TRW & 38th TRS (USAFE) [2 yrs in Europe] as well as some 16+ years in the TN ANG's 118th AW (Air Mobility Command) [which for several months comprised a significant operational portion of the 438th AEW {deployed} some 5 yrs ago in SW Asia]
However, if one will read the
entire contents of Post #20, one will readily note that the bulk of Post #20 dealt w/ topics of far more important nature.
But LeBuick purposely chose to completely ignore
all of what I posted in #20 and proceeded to focus
solely on that
one sentence that commented on POTUS #42. From his yellow pulpit [which leads me to wonder if his pulpit's color belies the nature of the one standing behind it] he (in Post #26 @ 12/24/08 05:50 PM) proceeded to chastise me for failing to recognize that the office of POTUS is a secular [hence "un-biblical"?] office and not one subject to the rigorous criteria imposed by the NT's requirement of the office of pastor.
What follows was my response to his Post #26 (dated 12/24/08 05:50 PM), which upon my hitting the "Submit" button, became Post #27 with the time & date stamp of 12/25/08 02:17 AM --
ktn4eg said:
Nowhere in my post did I indicate that the POTUS is a biblical office subject to the requirements that the NT specifies for that of a pastor.
I do however believe that one's moral compass should at least be something that ought to be taken into consideration if one seeks such a high office of that of POTUS.
Like it or not, the private lives and the moral values of our national leaders are things that many young people will emulate as role models for themselves and their peers.
After all, as their line of reasoning often goes, "If the person who holds the highest constitutional executive office does it, why can't I do the very same thing?" That may be flawed logic, but many people--lacking any real personal moral bearings of their own--will look to such leaders as a standard by which their own lives ought to acted out.
One's personal moral character as a leader of people ought to be at least be one consideration--maybe perhaps not the ONLY thing to be thing to be considered--but neither should it be [as the tone of your post might suggest] totally ignored.
Oh, and, BTW, why not comment on the totality of my post?
By your outright failure to comment on the remainder of my post leads me to believe that what I commented on in that portion of my post is of absolutely no concern to you whatsover.
If I'm wrong in my estimation of what's important to you, then correct me by posting your comments on what else I posted.
Fair enough?
Some two whole days have now taken place since I've invited LeBuick to rise up in his righteous indignation and stand behind his yellow [!] pulpit---thus declaring his court of solidly reasoned opinions as again being in session to parse and scrutinize the all of posts on BB [a right that, here again, ktn4eg has spent a good third of his life protecting and defending] to insure that each and every said BB post passes his rigourous litmus test of his notion of PC'ness.
It only took LeBuick a few hours to point out the
blantant errors he found w/in
one sentence of my Post #26.
But, for some reason--yet to be explained by the Honorable Judge LeBuick--it's taken at least 2 days for his one-person judge and jury to come up with his verdict of the remaining 98.6 + % of my Post 20.
Thus it falls upon the defendent in the case of the Right Honorable Judge
LeBuick vs the Unpatriotic and Totally-Negligent-in-the-Cause-of-Upholding-LeBuick's-Standards-of-American-PC'ism ktn4eg to demand his 6th Amendment rights in the above-cited case.
O Judge LeBuick..........Wherefore art thou?