Bad things from the Obama administration/era:
Same s@x marriage (also repealed "don't ask, don't tell" in the military, allowing gays to openly serve.)
Porous Borders
Two more liberals on the Supreme Court
Sharply increasing national debt
Wasteful spending on the Stimulus program
Rescinding Bush's order prohibiting funding of abortions in other countries and rescinded order prohibiting research on stem cells.
Increased instability in the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Iran)
Will close many coal-fired power plants leading to unemployment for hundreds of workers.
Severely cut NASA funding, put space exploration in the hands of private sector.
Ruined the federal school lunch program.
Severely cut military spending and drew down our troop levels.
Good things Obama has accomplished:
The Credit Card Act of 2009
Killed Osama bin Laden
Introduced the word "Teleprompter" to the world.