What was he thinking? It will be interesting to see the Obamanites come to his defense again.
There is no rational reason he would have ordered this. He wasn't president during 09/11. There is no reason for him to order a photo op in Lower Manhattan. So he feigns being furious, big deal. It was his order to do it. Perhaps he wanted to fly recon to give more info to our enemies under cover of a "photo op." He shows every day just how arrogant he is and how he hates Americans.
What was he thinking? It will be interesting to see the Obamanites come to his defense again.
There is no rational reason he would have ordered this. He wasn't president during 09/11. There is no reason for him to order a photo op in Lower Manhattan. So he feigns being furious, big deal. It was his order to do it. Perhaps he wanted to fly recon to give more info to our enemies under cover of a "photo op." He shows every day just how arrogant he is and how he hates Americans.
"Why the Defense Department wanted to do a photo op right around the site of the World Trade Center catastrophe defies the imagination," Bloomberg said. "Poor judgment would be a nice way to phrase it. ... Had I known about it, I would have called them right away and asked them not to."
NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said typically a flight like this would be publicized to avoid causing a panic, but they were under orders not to in this case. They regularly get requests for flyovers, but without secrecy restrictions.
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