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Observations Upon Sister White & SDA Doctrines
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1).
It takes only a nominal amount of research to discover Ellen White claimed to speak the Word of the Lord in the Name of the Lord. She claimed either God was speaking directly to her, through Word or vision, or an angel was guiding and dictating that which God willed her to know. She, in turn, like any worthy Old Testament or New Testament prophet, declared God’s message to the people. This was done faithfully, accurately and powerfully, without any embellishments or deletions, she vowed.
It is also a fact, requiring minimal confirmation via reliable Internet sources, the SDA church recognizes her prophetic office as God ordained and not to be questioned. Her writings are cited as authoritative, no matter the subject matter. In their estimation, Mrs. White’s ministerial gift of prophecy was given to help guide their ‘remnant’ church through the perilous end times. Her writings are to be viewed as an essential aid to their church specifically, giving clarity, focus and strength during the soon to come ‘times of trouble.’
The Scripture cited above is directed to all serious Christians, no matter the denomination. It is a warning; one of innumerable warnings we find in God’s Word. The scope of this thread is to examine the spirits of Sister White and Seventh-day Adventism. Are they of God? Yes or No? I will only use official SDA authorities when citing Sister White or SDA doctrine.
The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 1 (source)
In chapter 1, The Fall of Satan, Sister White gives us a behind the scenes glimpse as to what transpired in the throne room of God. Throughout her discourse we must simply take her word that ‘these things be so.’ We little folk have no way of being good Bereans who, like those of old, checked Paul’s doctrine against Scripture. Mrs. White’s visions have no scriptural authority whatever.
Clues That Her Spirit is Not of God
First, she does not refer to the Son as the eternal Son of God or the Word, or even the Wisdom of God. Instead, she refers to Him as ‘Jesus Christ,’ the name given the Lord at His fleshly birth and not before. Thus, either Scripture was confused or Sister White was the one confused in declaring the man, Christ Jesus, to be present at Satan’s fall. Moreover, before the Word became flesh, He was Spirit. Spirits are invisible, existing without bodies. Yet that fact doesn’t hamper White’s ability to discern the main players, their actions, motives and secret emotions. Nor does it concern the SDA church the anti-biblical nature of her ‘revelations’ because:
(1) A foundational doctrine of orthodox Christianity is the Sufficiency of Scripture. The Bible declares, in several verses throughout God’s Word, everything the Lord deems necessary for us to know concerning salvation, God, man and practical living is given in Holy Scripture. The two witnesses of Rev. 11, representative of all true prophets, measure the professing Christian Church (the spiritual Temple of God) by means of the only rule of faith and practice: the Holy Scriptures, our heavenly measuring rod.
(2) Sister White is adding to God’s Word that which is outside the scope of revealed scriptural truth. This is condemned in Deut. 4:2 & Rev. 22:18-19.
(3) The Apostle Paul was given a heavenly experience, but was forbidden to give details (2 Cor. 12:1-5). Yet Sister White was given carte blanche. Compare the heavenly visions of the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah, as well as those of John, with those of Mrs. White. Sister White writes with the flourish of a woman enrolled in an adult evening class which teaches high school level creative writing. A similar observation is made when comparing the KJ Bible with the Book of Mormon.
“Satan was envious and jealous of Jesus Christ,” the Sister tells us. All the angels bowed to Him, including Satan. How non-material spirits ‘bow’ is not revealed. Later, Satan calls a conference of the angelic host. His rights, as well as theirs, have been ‘invaded.’ It was Satan who should have been named ‘commander,’ not Christ. “He promised them a new and better government than they then had, in which all would be freedom.”
[Long story short…..] “All the heavenly host were summoned to appear before the Father, to have each case determined. Satan unblushingly made known his dissatisfaction that Christ should be preferred before him……Good angels wept to hear the words of Satan, and his exulting boasts.”
It should be noted throughout her exposition Sister White emphasizes Satan’s hatred of God’s Law: “Satan grew bold in his rebellion, and expressed his contempt of the Creator’s law. This Satan could not bear. He claimed that angels needed no law; but should be left free to follow their own will, which would ever guide them right; that law was a restriction of their liberty, and that to abolish law was one great object of his standing as he did.”
It would seem Mrs. White is carefully laying the groundwork for legitimately accusing those who do not keep the 7th-day sabbath law as law-breakers whose works are those of their father, Satan, a law-breaker from the beginning.
Chapter Two – The Creation
Not one to disappoint, Sister White gives us many ‘interesting’ details which Scripture somehow neglected to inform us. For example, Adam was twice the height of modern man, his wife slightly shorter. His complexion was ruddy. He was a specimen of perfect health and well proportioned. Eve was ‘perfect in symmetry and very beautiful.’ Although they wore no garments, ‘a circle of light enshrouded them.’
Curiously, there was no mention of the Holy Spirit when describing the creative work of God. Her retelling the creation story concerns only the Father and Son.
“Very happy were the holy pair in Eden.” Lion and lambs were the best of friends. “Birds of every variety of color and plumage flitted among the trees and flowers, and about Adam and Eve, while their mellow toned music echoed among the trees in sweet accord to the praises of their Creator.”
Chapter 3 – The Temptation and Fall
Had Mrs. White simply admitted being a religious fantasy fiction writer, in the opinion of this present writer I would grant that she was capable. However, once she broached the temptation and fall, her credence as God’s messenger fails miserably for several reasons:
(1) Incredibly, she has neglected to state Genesis 2:3, the Bible verse which the SDA church cite as the very reason for their existence.
(2) She adds to Holy Writ that which is not commanded. “In the midst of the garden, near the tree of life, stood the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree was especially designed of God to be the pledge of their obedience, faith and love to him. Of this tree the Lord commanded our first parents not to eat, neither to touch it, lest they die.” (Genesis 2:16-17).
(3) She invents an implausible meeting between Satan and ‘Christ’ whereby Satan repents of his rebellion, asking only to be reinstated to his former position in Heaven. According to the prophetess, “Christ wept at Satan’s woe.” Alas, “the seeds of rebellion were still within him” and pardon was not possible. This being the case, “he manifested his malice with increased hatred and fiery vehemence.”
(4) She invents a meeting between two ‘good’ angels and Adam and Eve: “God assembled the angelic host to take measures to avert the threatened evil. It was decided in Heaven’s council for angels to visit Eden and warn Adam that he was in danger from the foe. Two angels sped on their way to visit our first parents…….” These angels explained Satan and his rebellion to the innocent couple. They were to be on guard, because Satan would somehow attempt them to disobey the law of God. “They were moral agents free to obey or disobey.” Here the prophetess changes the nature of the test given Adam. She imagines an explicit warning given by angels. Apparently the original warning given by the Lord was insufficient to be heeded. God needed back-up.
(5) Although Sister White and the SDA church exalt 7th-day Sabbath-keeping as cited in Genesis 2:3, the breaking of this law is not an issue. Instead, it is the breaking the law regarding the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that is at issue. “There was but one prohibition that God had seen fit to lay upon them as yet. If they should transgress the will of God, they would surely die.”
CONCLUSION: Had there been two prohibitions, the one not to eat of the tree, the other not to break the Sabbath, the central tenet of the SDA church involving Sabbath-keeping might be plausible. But alas, as much as the prophetess White kept hammering the necessity of keeping God’s holy Law, their most holy Law of Sabbath-keeping was completely omitted in her ‘infallible’ re-telling of the Fall of Man.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1).
It takes only a nominal amount of research to discover Ellen White claimed to speak the Word of the Lord in the Name of the Lord. She claimed either God was speaking directly to her, through Word or vision, or an angel was guiding and dictating that which God willed her to know. She, in turn, like any worthy Old Testament or New Testament prophet, declared God’s message to the people. This was done faithfully, accurately and powerfully, without any embellishments or deletions, she vowed.
It is also a fact, requiring minimal confirmation via reliable Internet sources, the SDA church recognizes her prophetic office as God ordained and not to be questioned. Her writings are cited as authoritative, no matter the subject matter. In their estimation, Mrs. White’s ministerial gift of prophecy was given to help guide their ‘remnant’ church through the perilous end times. Her writings are to be viewed as an essential aid to their church specifically, giving clarity, focus and strength during the soon to come ‘times of trouble.’
The Scripture cited above is directed to all serious Christians, no matter the denomination. It is a warning; one of innumerable warnings we find in God’s Word. The scope of this thread is to examine the spirits of Sister White and Seventh-day Adventism. Are they of God? Yes or No? I will only use official SDA authorities when citing Sister White or SDA doctrine.
The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 1 (source)
In chapter 1, The Fall of Satan, Sister White gives us a behind the scenes glimpse as to what transpired in the throne room of God. Throughout her discourse we must simply take her word that ‘these things be so.’ We little folk have no way of being good Bereans who, like those of old, checked Paul’s doctrine against Scripture. Mrs. White’s visions have no scriptural authority whatever.
Clues That Her Spirit is Not of God
First, she does not refer to the Son as the eternal Son of God or the Word, or even the Wisdom of God. Instead, she refers to Him as ‘Jesus Christ,’ the name given the Lord at His fleshly birth and not before. Thus, either Scripture was confused or Sister White was the one confused in declaring the man, Christ Jesus, to be present at Satan’s fall. Moreover, before the Word became flesh, He was Spirit. Spirits are invisible, existing without bodies. Yet that fact doesn’t hamper White’s ability to discern the main players, their actions, motives and secret emotions. Nor does it concern the SDA church the anti-biblical nature of her ‘revelations’ because:
(1) A foundational doctrine of orthodox Christianity is the Sufficiency of Scripture. The Bible declares, in several verses throughout God’s Word, everything the Lord deems necessary for us to know concerning salvation, God, man and practical living is given in Holy Scripture. The two witnesses of Rev. 11, representative of all true prophets, measure the professing Christian Church (the spiritual Temple of God) by means of the only rule of faith and practice: the Holy Scriptures, our heavenly measuring rod.
(2) Sister White is adding to God’s Word that which is outside the scope of revealed scriptural truth. This is condemned in Deut. 4:2 & Rev. 22:18-19.
(3) The Apostle Paul was given a heavenly experience, but was forbidden to give details (2 Cor. 12:1-5). Yet Sister White was given carte blanche. Compare the heavenly visions of the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah, as well as those of John, with those of Mrs. White. Sister White writes with the flourish of a woman enrolled in an adult evening class which teaches high school level creative writing. A similar observation is made when comparing the KJ Bible with the Book of Mormon.
“Satan was envious and jealous of Jesus Christ,” the Sister tells us. All the angels bowed to Him, including Satan. How non-material spirits ‘bow’ is not revealed. Later, Satan calls a conference of the angelic host. His rights, as well as theirs, have been ‘invaded.’ It was Satan who should have been named ‘commander,’ not Christ. “He promised them a new and better government than they then had, in which all would be freedom.”
[Long story short…..] “All the heavenly host were summoned to appear before the Father, to have each case determined. Satan unblushingly made known his dissatisfaction that Christ should be preferred before him……Good angels wept to hear the words of Satan, and his exulting boasts.”
It should be noted throughout her exposition Sister White emphasizes Satan’s hatred of God’s Law: “Satan grew bold in his rebellion, and expressed his contempt of the Creator’s law. This Satan could not bear. He claimed that angels needed no law; but should be left free to follow their own will, which would ever guide them right; that law was a restriction of their liberty, and that to abolish law was one great object of his standing as he did.”
It would seem Mrs. White is carefully laying the groundwork for legitimately accusing those who do not keep the 7th-day sabbath law as law-breakers whose works are those of their father, Satan, a law-breaker from the beginning.
Chapter Two – The Creation
Not one to disappoint, Sister White gives us many ‘interesting’ details which Scripture somehow neglected to inform us. For example, Adam was twice the height of modern man, his wife slightly shorter. His complexion was ruddy. He was a specimen of perfect health and well proportioned. Eve was ‘perfect in symmetry and very beautiful.’ Although they wore no garments, ‘a circle of light enshrouded them.’
Curiously, there was no mention of the Holy Spirit when describing the creative work of God. Her retelling the creation story concerns only the Father and Son.
“Very happy were the holy pair in Eden.” Lion and lambs were the best of friends. “Birds of every variety of color and plumage flitted among the trees and flowers, and about Adam and Eve, while their mellow toned music echoed among the trees in sweet accord to the praises of their Creator.”
Chapter 3 – The Temptation and Fall
Had Mrs. White simply admitted being a religious fantasy fiction writer, in the opinion of this present writer I would grant that she was capable. However, once she broached the temptation and fall, her credence as God’s messenger fails miserably for several reasons:
(1) Incredibly, she has neglected to state Genesis 2:3, the Bible verse which the SDA church cite as the very reason for their existence.
(2) She adds to Holy Writ that which is not commanded. “In the midst of the garden, near the tree of life, stood the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree was especially designed of God to be the pledge of their obedience, faith and love to him. Of this tree the Lord commanded our first parents not to eat, neither to touch it, lest they die.” (Genesis 2:16-17).
(3) She invents an implausible meeting between Satan and ‘Christ’ whereby Satan repents of his rebellion, asking only to be reinstated to his former position in Heaven. According to the prophetess, “Christ wept at Satan’s woe.” Alas, “the seeds of rebellion were still within him” and pardon was not possible. This being the case, “he manifested his malice with increased hatred and fiery vehemence.”
(4) She invents a meeting between two ‘good’ angels and Adam and Eve: “God assembled the angelic host to take measures to avert the threatened evil. It was decided in Heaven’s council for angels to visit Eden and warn Adam that he was in danger from the foe. Two angels sped on their way to visit our first parents…….” These angels explained Satan and his rebellion to the innocent couple. They were to be on guard, because Satan would somehow attempt them to disobey the law of God. “They were moral agents free to obey or disobey.” Here the prophetess changes the nature of the test given Adam. She imagines an explicit warning given by angels. Apparently the original warning given by the Lord was insufficient to be heeded. God needed back-up.
(5) Although Sister White and the SDA church exalt 7th-day Sabbath-keeping as cited in Genesis 2:3, the breaking of this law is not an issue. Instead, it is the breaking the law regarding the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that is at issue. “There was but one prohibition that God had seen fit to lay upon them as yet. If they should transgress the will of God, they would surely die.”
CONCLUSION: Had there been two prohibitions, the one not to eat of the tree, the other not to break the Sabbath, the central tenet of the SDA church involving Sabbath-keeping might be plausible. But alas, as much as the prophetess White kept hammering the necessity of keeping God’s holy Law, their most holy Law of Sabbath-keeping was completely omitted in her ‘infallible’ re-telling of the Fall of Man.