(took off your top quote because I agreed)
I question the part where you say "if the motive is to draw a crowd that wouldn't otherwise come..."
Why would that not be a motive that would please Christ? Isn't it part of our duty to draw as many people as close to Christ as possible?
No, it is our duty to please God, and if this includes doing some of these things, then yes we do them, but don't get this backwards. You might think it is a small thing, but it leads to error. When we start doing things for God, assuming he is behind us when we are doing it, we have placed ourselves in the driver's seat. Instead, we should be led of God when it comes to what our church does.
It is better to obey than to sacrifice.
Think about that some more. If you're missing a whole segment of your Christian community...for example, the deaf and hard of hearing because using modern visual aids is not old fashioned, are you pleasing Christ?
If one insists one using the Queen's English in a day and age where people have more difficulty understanding it and would grow better using the same dialect and words they use in their daily lives, is that pleasing to Christ?
People are going to start finding reasons to stay at home if they can't learn and grow in their church. People wither away spiritually when they do that. We don't want that. Plain and simple and old fashioned is just fine, but IF modern resources are available and IF they will help keep more Christians on track, why not take advantage of them?
How is that motive wrong? Isn't it a major part of what we're supposed to be doing?
You are too worried about the people finding excuses. The ungodly will always find excuses as they always have. I have no problem with providing technology to increase the understanding in the church, but this is a far cry from introducing new things to draw people into the church. We are to compel people to come to Christ, anyway. The church is for the training and preparation of the saints to storm the gates of hell.
The fact is, I could increase the attendance at our church a number of ways. The results would be fantastic, and I could report to my fellows that we have twice as many people coming to church now. I could give a way a car, I could have magic shows before the preaching, I could have a clown come in and entertain the children, all of which would probably increase attendance. None of these things, however, are found in scripture. The end never jusitifies the means. The population of the church does not determine the church's spirituality.
That being said, we should do everything within our means to obey God's requirements for a local assembly and consider Him first in all things. We will go as He directs, but we will not step out in front of Him and expect Him to follow.