I pre-ordered this book (https://www.amazon.com/Creation-Evo...preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch) and await its arrival on my iPad on the 21st.
I am a young earth creationist, however this is not to say the other arguments presented in the book do to hold water. I know some of you on this board hold to old earth creationism and that of the arguments of Hugh Ross. Can you explain your view and how you contradicted it from the scriptures? It would appear to me that a literal reading of the Bible concludes a young earth model, so I am wondering if the other views in this book are contracted from the scriptures themselves.
I believe Ron Rhodes holds to the Intelligent design model. How is this view different?
I am a young earth creationist, however this is not to say the other arguments presented in the book do to hold water. I know some of you on this board hold to old earth creationism and that of the arguments of Hugh Ross. Can you explain your view and how you contradicted it from the scriptures? It would appear to me that a literal reading of the Bible concludes a young earth model, so I am wondering if the other views in this book are contracted from the scriptures themselves.
I believe Ron Rhodes holds to the Intelligent design model. How is this view different?