Brother David and everyone else:
I was born October 1951, in Cranston, Rowan County, Kentucky about 9 miles or so from Morehead, Kentucky and about 60 miles east of Lexington, Kentucky. I joined the Little Perry Regural Primitive Church east of Morehead, Kentucky in January 1966 and was baptise on 12 February 1967.
Mom was a member of the Regural Primitive Baptist Church at New Burlington, Ohio, later moved her membership to New Hope Regural Primitive Baptist Church at Cranston, Kentucky. Dad always attended but never belonged, mostly at New Hope.
Attended most of the Burning Springs Assocations from the time that I can remember to about 1965, when there was a problem in some of the churches and the different assocations.
Still attended some.
Attended Rock Springs Assocation from the time I can remember until I let Kentucky to work in other places, except for the time I was in the military and then I was sometimes able to be able to attend at least part of the assocation.
Attended a couple of Iron Hill Assocation of United Baptists and several different annual meetings of either churches or assocations.
Anyone wanting to know more about me, feel free to send me an e-mail at and I will try and answer as best I can.