The Old Regular Baptist are divided at this time into two seperate parties, softshell and hardshell
both reject musical instruments, sunday schools,missionary boards, salaried ministry.The hardshell side holds the original doctrine of the Old Regulars when they split with the absolute predestination Primitive Baptist in the 1800s their main point of contention was that the Old Regulars held that God forknew the fall of Adam vs God predestinated Adams fall, The Old Regulars believed that Gods Decree was two part,some things he permittted or suffered to happen and some things he directed this they held was different from predestination which they held was limited to the Elect Church and Christ, thus they would not fellowship the doctrine that God was the direct author of every evil event to come to pass.They seemed to prosper until the 1960s,When some Brothers in the Union Assoc. adopted some Arminian points of Doctrine that led to a split over such things as Light and Life,No scriptures to Sinners,eternal children,etc... these issues where never resolved Churches that would not go along with the new doctrines would either stay in their associations and vist one anthor or break off and form new associations such as Bethel,Soveriegn Grace or else an association would become isolated like Mud River,Mountain etc...So even at the present there are Hardshell churches among the softshell associations but there is no softshell churces among the hardshell associations.These terms are used but not liked among Old Regulars.The softshell associations and churches have kept the traditional dress codes etc.. better than the hardshell side with the exception of the SGA and a few former Thorton Union Churches,The hardshell side has kept the original ORB doctrine better than the softshell side.To put it in a nut shell the softshells preach man chooses God but only after he recieves his call ,the hardshell side preaches God Chooses the man and through the working of his(GODs)mighty power they believe,and repent.The soft side believes the sinner has life after he repents through Grace the hard side believes the sinner repents after he has life or has been quickened by the Spirt.Soft side believes man has something to do with his salvation the hard side belives it is all of Grace. Bro.Slone