Union Association
Brother Keith, I know brothers who were present at the split from both sides and they all said, that the brethern form Bold Camp, were never allowed to answer any charges brought against them, but ever time they would try to speak, a brother sitting by would say he has left his subject make him set down, Brother Fred Charles who was a member of the Union Association and was member after the split and is 92 years old can give you all the details, it may intrest you also, to see that the Union in dimissing the Bold Camp Church without unanimous consent violated their consitution, they tried to reinterpet it after the fact,I think even Howard Dorgan noted this in his book.Also the Indian Bottom recieved some of the same treatment look at item 16 of the constitution of the Union Association, the Union has never changed its Articles of Faith but if you want to know, what they mean the Bible Proofs are on pages 68 to 71 in Rufus Perrigans Book History of the Regular Baptist. Some of the Union brothers wanted to change them, the year they met in Floridia after the split, but were told they would lose their lawsuits if they did.They lost all of them anyway but one in Kentucky and their doctrine was declared the original doctrine of the Old Regular Baptist in all the other cases.The men that caused this trouble left the Union in the end but not before isolating the Mud River Association.I think that going to law before the unjust was wrong on both sides, the majority right or wrong should have obtained the meeting house according to Regular Baptist church government. These wound have never been healed and all involved have suffered greatly. One brother stated he had started out to destroy [what he called hardshells] in the Regular Baptist and near his death stated he destroyed himself.The same brothers tried to present a list to Brother Grady Adkins to do the same thing in New Salem what they did in Union, he scolded them and told them they were wrong and would have no part in it.They never got any further with the New Salem. Brother Mike Slone