old regular
Active Member
Indian Bottom
Brother Willis , the Indian Bottom allows their ministers to preach with any order in a funeral but they are not allowed to preach with any other Old Regular Baptist ,not in their correspondence at any other time.So if they are at a funeral on Saturday they may preach with the Holiness but come Sunday they can't preach with the Union Assn brothers.I find that to be a double standard God is not the author of confusion,I have been in funerals with a Church of Christ minister preaching water baptism for eternal salvation. I was thankful that I could conduct my own service seprate from his.I have never had a problem with a family ,after explaining our rules, neither did I allow myself to be lumped with a water Salvation minister for the sake of not hurting some ones feelings. Brother MikeBro. Mike,
Your association has every right to do what y'all feel is right. I do not believe in infringing on your rights as a functioning body. I just don't get the "seperating out" when someone from a church/association not in their correspondence comes there, especially whenever it involves a funeral. Funerals are hurtful enough, and whenever someone has to close out their portion of the service with prayer, so that the other church/association can take over, would be confusing to many there, and maybe even hinder those who are lost. The IB does not seperate whenever, say a FWB preacher is called in the funeral, but the others, Old IB, Sardis, New Salem, NNS, Old Friendship, and Union do seperate whenever another non-corresponding preacher(s) is there at the funeral.
The IB also doesn't take members in by recommendation unless they were from an ORB assoc that they were in correspondence with at one time, either. When I left Salem in Sardis, and went to Little Jewell in IB, I went via recommendation because IB and Sardis at one time had been in correspondence with each other. Now, as for me, if someone required me to be re-baptized to take membership in their church/assoc, I'd just tell them to forget about it. I answered that on June 10,2007, when I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and do not have to answer that again. To ask anyone else to do that just for membership is redundant. But, being an ORB, I guess I am in the minority concerning this. Like I stated, each church/assoc has every right to do things they way they feel led....I will not infringe on their rights.
i am I AM's!!
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