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Old Regular Baptist

Discussion in 'Baptist History' started by Frogman, Apr 13, 2004.

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  1. rlvaughn

    rlvaughn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2001
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    Brother Jeremy, I don't personally know the Little Dove Association, so can't really say about their doctrine and practice. But you can possibly tell by knowing with whom they correspond.

    Little Dove Association was organized around 1984. In 1991 they had two churches, at least one of which was in Pike County, Kentucky. They were corresponding with the Original Mountain Liberty Association of Old Regular Baptist. They also had a "working relationship" with Pilgrim's Rest Association of Regular Primitive Baptist and the Old Montgomery United Baptist Church. Old Montgomery was a former member of the Little Friendship Association of United Baptist (which evidently had disbanded).

    Hope this helps.
  2. Brother Jeremy Slone

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Yes it does help, thank you rlvaughn. I know the Original Mt. Liberty we Correspond with them now and heard of Pilgrim Rest Primitive. I also would like to correct my last post on here. I said New Salem and Mountain armed from Burning Springs. Well Mountain armed from North District in 1834 the same one Burning Springs armed from in 1813 I believe. I also think Pilgrims Rest was part of the Split of Burning Springs and changed their name then changed it back to the former if I am not mistaken.
  3. Bro. James Reed

    Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    Bro. Slone,

    When you say "practice and sing and dress like the modern church", what exactly do you mean?

    I'm not familiar with the Northwestern Association that you mentioned. I am much more familiar with the churches/Associations in this region of the country.

    We oppose absolutism, no-hellism, progressivism, and all other non-biblical stands held by so-called "Primitive" Baptists.

    We don't have Sunday School, musical instruments, secret orders, mission boards, etc. Our churches don't have crosses, steeples, "pictures" of Jesus, or million-dollar facilities. We do have a baptistry, as do most PB churches.

    Primitive does mean original, and I believe we are still contending for the same old truths in the Old Baptist church that our forefathers did.

    God bless you Bro. Slone.

    Bro. James
  4. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Modern Practice Among Old School Baptist

    Brother James ,my reference to modern, would be along the lines of missionary boards, women cutting their hair, wearing men's apparel,immodest dress,singing from notebook song books , secret orders,only allowing one minister per service to preach,paid preachers who recieve a particular salary,baptisms performed on those who the gospel doesn't address, ( very young children) these things were not old school baptist practices originally, but have got into the churches, both Primitive and Old Regular(with the exception of a paid ministry) I have also noted some pastors taking members, without them, telling of an experience of Grace, saying they want to belong to church ,thats good enough, if we are going to go by the name primitive or old regular thats what we should be, not this psuedo-old school baptist we are finding all over the country.The new school baptist have all those things if thats what people want why not go there, and not try to change an old school church into a new school. Brother Slone
  5. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    modern church practices

    Brother James, I was speaking of OSB churches in general and not your home church, I don't know much about them ,but I am famillar ,with a lot of Primitive Baptists that were not very primitive, but are set up like the missionaries, only they don't have musical instruments,or sunday school, but they will baptize little children, who have no knowledge of what they are doing, one step away from infant baptism, they make no remarks about how christians should dress ,live,etc.....,I love the doctrines of Grace and Election and Predestination,but Saved men and women or also to be zealous of good works, and have duties to perform under the gospel charge, are brothers should preach the whole word of God. The Northwestern association would be more a kin to the Chestnut Knob,Little Lotts Creek, Antioch associations,that started after the war between the states. Bro.Slone
  6. Virginia ORB

    Virginia ORB Member
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    Feb 20, 2006
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    Brother Jeremy, I feel that I need to respond to your question because I was the one who added the Little Dove Assoc. to Wikipedia. I obtained a copy of the 1989 minute from the Buchanan County Library in VA. I have not heard of this association before and it may not exist now. The host church that year was the Little Dove Church, Rt. 1441, Raccoon, KY. The moderator that year was Elder Wayne Hall.
    brother Keith
  7. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Little Dove Association

    Dear Brothers, The Little Dove Assn. churches went into the Original Mountain Liberty and then into the Solid Rock Association. Little Dove no longer meets as an association. Elder Michael Slone
  8. rlvaughn

    rlvaughn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2001
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    Bro. Slone, is the Solid Rock Association Old Regular Baptist or something else? What is its history? Is it fairly new? Thanks.
  9. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Solid Rock Association of Old time Baptists

    Dear Brother, The Solid Rock Association came about through a divison of sorts in the Mountain Liberty, There was a brother named Daryl Newsome whose Church (made up of former NNS,and Union members)lettered to the Original Mt.Liberty, this they did for several years, a question came from the Mountain Association about some of the brothers preaching and being ordained with two living wives even though they were divorced ,it started from there.Most ORB will not use men that are divorced and remarried to preach. Elder Slone
    #369 old regular, Sep 18, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2006
  10. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Solid Rock Association of Old time Baptists

    Dear Brother, Solid Rock has Old Regular Baptist churches and some churches of an independent orgin, they are very friendly people but are much too liberal for the other three factions of Old Regulars,and have no correspondence, their over all manner of worship is after the old regular tradition, they are very open to various divorce cases,and seem to be willing to take in Elders,preachers from all factions of old regulars that get in trouble or have been excluded for divorce and remarriage,they have also added an article of faith concerning an age of accountability,that no old regular association has ever added before,their articles of faith would be more in line with missionary baptist than traditional Old regular baptist, but due to their worship style and preaching, I would consider them an Arminian Old Regular Association with modifications ,they don"t believe you can be saved today and lost tomorrow. Elder Slone
  11. Brother Bob

    Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Jimmy Dale said to tell you hi Mike. So, hi
    #371 Brother Bob, Sep 19, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2006
  12. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Elder Jimmy Dale Sanders

    Brother Bob , Send my greetings and christian love,likewise to Brother Jimmy Dale, one of the Union's most able ministers. I hope all your associations have gone well this year. New Salem Assn. meets this coming weekend. I would attend, but I have to help with the Mt. Moriah Church near Royalton,Ky. Bethel had a wonderful Association these year, very peaceful, good services.The majority of the members are very old, not unlike most of our associations during this time. Bro.Mike
  13. Brother Bob

    Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Bro. Mike;
    All the Associations went really good this year and I will be at New Salem on Friday. I had to drive to Hindman to pickup my new books yesterday. New Salem has to pick a new Assistant this year. I was at the Union on Friday and they put me on the stand for Saturday with Brother Robert Haney and others so I had to go back on Saturday also. Jimmy Dale said you might be there so I looked for you but I guess you didn't come.
  14. Brother Bob

    Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    I will draw my strength from Jesus.
    As I lay upon my bed.
    I will take my comfort from Him.
    I will find in Him my rest.

    For there is no other fountain.
    Where I can be more satisfied.
    Than in the arms of Christ my Savior.
    No blessings I will be denied.

    All pain will leave my aching body.
    As His sweet healing virtue flows.
    Just ask God in faith believing.
    By His will it shall be so.

    For there is no other fountain.
    Where I can be more satisfied.
    Than in the arms of Christ my Savior.
    No blessings I will be denied.

    Oh, that I may not ever leave Him.
    For there is no other place to go.
    He has the words of life eternal.
    From Him the healing waters flow.

    For there is no other fountain.
    Where I can be more satisfied.
    Than in the arms of Christ my Savior.
    No blessings I will be denied.
  15. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Union Assn.

    Brother Bob, I usually vist the Union on Saturday evening, but I was staying with Elder and Mrs. Trinkle Mullins and they go to bed early, his wife had broke her hip recently and they reside in Pound a little further from the assoc. grounds.I like the people in the Union and New Salem, I was never at Sardis during their association, I have visted some of their Churches. I made one trip with Bro. John Jude, Bro.Edwin Hay and Isom Hannah visted with me and preached in my home when I lived in Plymouth, Ohio. I thought alot of Elder Joe Evans also.I knew several of the Elders in the Sardis and preached with them before the split over wine and order in the NNS. We did not want to cause any confusion for the sister Assns. we were advised to call ourselves NNS and try to letter to the other associations so the truth of the matter would be exposed, and try to force Northern to recant their work, but I had been among them too long and knew how, the politics of that association went , so We chose peace for us and them. Bro.Slone
  16. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    old regular associations

    All ORB associations and one Primitive Baptist association ,with which we correspond with went well, no troubles noted, good preaching and fellowship.I did not attend the Mountain Association #1 or #2 or the Thorton Union but I heard good reports from both of them.The Little Zion Association of Regular Baptist corresponds with the Primitive Baptist in Indiana and no other Regulars.Their articles of faith would be in line with the articles of faith,carried by our corresponding associations. Elder Michael Slone a member of the Sovereign Grace Association.
  17. bubba jimmy

    bubba jimmy New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    Where does the need for all the ORB associations come from? The Union and New Salem associations are in communication with each other, for example, so why do they need to be separate associations? Is there some Biblical basis for doing this?
  18. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    The biblical basis for an association, comes from the Jerusalem council,that churches may work together as an advisory council. Years ago the associations would arm off other associations, when churches were planted in different locations further away from the main body,they would district them out using landmarks ,example( all churches south of the Ky river to form a new association)then delegates from the newly formed association would travel to other associations of like faith and order to establish correspondence on behalf of the churches in their association,rather than each church sending delegates to all the associations,this took a large burden off the churches especially when travel was limted to foot and hoseback, often different associtions held to different practices than some of the others held to, it was much easier and harmonious for churches that practice alike to be in an association together.Today the Union Association has churches which have baptistries ,while the New Salem withdrew from a church for the same practice.All Old Regulars do not practice nor hold the same doctrine as do others, while they all would agree on some issues,they are a very divided lot on other issues like predestination,election,light and life,double married,dress etc.............. Bro. Mike
  19. old regular

    old regular Active Member

    May 26, 2004
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    old Regular Associations

    All Old Regular Baptist Associations did not come from the New Salem,and those that did contained churches from other bodies, and splits.The name is found on tombstones on the east coast on graves that are much older than the New Salems 1825 history.The old part was not originally capitilized but became so after some of those who called themselves Regular Baptist began to adopt missionary board practices. The Mud River came from the Pocatalico Asssn. of Paticular Baptist, The Mountain from the North District, New Salem from Burning Springs, some of the Old Freindship from the Pineville District of Primitive Baptist, some of the Union churches also came from Regular Primitive Baptist. The Stone Coal Church in the New Salem was supposed to have come from the Licking Assn. of Paticular Baptist.Indian Bottom developed from a union meeting of churches formerly in the Sandlick District Assn. The New Salem was very much the forerunner for quite some time, but if the founders and even the brothers who sancationed the split with the EVU,Absolute Predestination Regular Primitive Baptist where here today, they would not know that she is an old Regular Baptist Assn. her doctrine is that far from what they established. Some of the singing they might identfy with ,but not the doctrine, unless they where over around Big Mud area. Bro.Slone
  20. bubba jimmy

    bubba jimmy New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    Thank you for the education. I grew up going to the ORB church, but I never knew how the internal workings of the organizations were established. I very much enjoy reading all that the contributors to this thread have to say about the Old Regular Baptists.
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