SGA and PB
Brother James, We currrently correspond with the Northwestern Association of Primitive Baptist, we formerly had correspondence with the Sandlick Regular Primitive Baptist whose mother was the New Salem,Indian Bottom started as a union meeting, and eventually became an association, its original churches were members of the Sandlick until a sentiment arose preaching absolute predestination of all things, making God the direct author (not by permissive decree) but direct aurthor of every evil and good event that comes to pass,not all of the Sandlick held this view,and that view died out ,but by that time, there had been to much confusion between those churches to re unite,we were the first Regular Baptist to correspond with them in many years.They now have correspondence with the Burning Springs who did not wan't coresspondence with us or Bethel directly or indirectly, I am told that they are fond of their secret orders ,which we do not allow with in our association(to be held as members).How close Bro. James would your church be in practice and doctrine to the original Baptist,I am told Primitive means first or original, and some of the primitives I have visted would be the true historical Baptist of old, others I have visted, practice and sing and dress like the modern church, yet without Sunday School,or musical insturments,but would be no closer to the original than the missionaries in practice. We also have used brothers from independent PBCs and different associations that we don't correspond with.We currently baptise members in an elementary body of water.I once objected strongly to Little Ida baptising members that way, this was when the issue came to the association floor , I was asked by Elder David Slone to withdraw my objection ,to keep from splitting the NNS association, (Little Ida had asked to install the one they have now.)I withdrew my objection for peace sake only at the time, but I have since seen cases where It would have been better to at least have some place clean to perform baptisms besides a cesspool.The Stone Cole Church had an outdoor one at one time according to my good friend now departed Bro. Banner Mannns, it was many years ago. Bro.Slone