Leave the second go back to the first
No, I do not think going back to the first will solve the issue, seeing the first has a lawful reason to put the party away, but seeing they have married the second this second marriage was not lawful.It is not lawful for you to have your brother Phillip's wife.He is in a bad state, and it would be better for him to remain unmarried. As to Brother Bob's question, each church in Revelations was judged individually.One church was not punished over a sister church, Paul wrote to churches about practices he felt were wrong, yet he never cut them off.In your line of correspondence generally anyone who corresponds with you can take communion with you, so this double married ,not innocent party has been in correspondence with your church for years, some of the Union had been taking members that way for along time, some of the New Salem churches would take no one who was divorced and remarried.In our association communion is set by each church and they invite what churches they will take communion with.I do not have all the answers on this issue, I can see where people not enlighted can and will make mistakes and sin by unlawfully putting away their wife or husband. There is also some of the cases where members of churches have done the same which case I am speaking of above.We have never been faced with an excluded member who remarried coming back and asking for membership, but I would say they most likely would not be received back. I do Bro.Bob understand the double standard, and would like to see all Old School Baptist in agreement on these issues but I do not believe they have been yesterday or today, if they were we would not have seen all queries on it through the years.The NNS most of them made difference between those coming out of the world and those who were already members, they took them years before that order was passed. I know the Sardis has been very loose on the pants issue for along time, I visted a church in that association afterwards we went to dinner, and some of the sisters had their pants on.The Union has this also the NNS yet they were very cruel to the Thorton Union and Indian Bottom.Do not get me wrong, that doesn't make it right, but those who live in glass houses should not throw rocks. The order I drafted, I told them was not the answer at the time, but was agreeable. All Baptist are supposed to believe in the local autonomy of the church, associations are the product of the churches not the other way around. A church is still a church even if it has not joined an association, but at one time your churches position was the majority view on double marriage but now it is not, at one time my home churches view on salvation was the majority view of those calling themselves Regular Baptist but over time, we became the minority, the majority may rule , but are not always right. As to the website I am thankful so many have enjoyed it, but I also understand every one doesn't agree with everything I or any other Elder, preach.Nor do I assume that one does because they like the site.I disagree with brothers all the time but most of them, I still enjoy their preaching, and I don't have to leave my own correspondence for this to occur.We should all strive for unity, but until that happens which make for Romans14:19"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace,and things wherewith one may edify another. '' Bro.Mike