Hi, and you've shared I think the most inclusive and applicable passage concerning the issue of works. But I do not see how making a choice is works related. I think that the concept that man not having a choice in accepting or rejecting Christ has just been accepted so widely that it seems it must be so, as are some other Bible doctrines concerning spiritual growth (which does not have to do with receiving salvation, but growing from it).
Choice began with the "Tree" and is the most commonly repeated concept in Scripture, e.g.
Deu 30:19 (Scripture always admonishes to choose rightly). All either choose to receive or choose not to receive (
Jhn 1:12). Choice cannot be escaped, and is I think the primary element incurring self responsibility, resulting from the grace and fairness of God. He made salvation available to all to be fair, even though He knew most would not choose to receive it!
Like the wheat and the tares, there will be those choosing mercy, and others to be examples of condemnations. Mat 7:13, 14 is a good example of admonishment to choose rightly (straight and narrow).