From the days of Moses, God periodically inspired individuals to pen His word for about 2,500 years. Then,
He stopped for 400 years.
When He sent His Son, He also inspired individuals to pen His word for a short period of time. Then,
He stopped, when the book of Revelation was written. According to Christian beliefs, it's been close to 1,900 years since God last inspired someone to record His words.
God promised to preserve His word. In studying the historical progression of the Bible for English speaking peoples, we see centuries unfold. Large expanses of time lapsed between the various mile markers along the path to the KJB of 1611. May 2011 marked 400 years since the first press run of the KJB.
It took approximatly 270 years before a serious challenge to the premise that the KJB
is the word of God arose. Or, 290 years, if the date of the ASB is used.
How do we calculate generations? Is the time factor 20, 40, or a 100 years?
How many years lapsed between the writing of Revelation (95 AD) and the time the common English speaking person could read the complete Bible in his vernacular? ( 1.Belonging to the country of one's birth; one's own by birth or nature; native; indigenous; -- now used chiefly of language; as, English is our vernacular language.,vernacular )
I realize that you put a qualifier in preceding your comment on "succeedng generations". My points are:
1. As an English speaking person, I can still read the KJB, especially after the typeface was changed and spelling standardized in later editions, during the 1700's. Can also read my copy of the 1901 ASB, printed in 1928.
How many succeeding generations since those dates?
2: When reading any of the MV's (I have several) there are words that require the use of a dictionary for a precise definition. However, with those, as with the KJB, the context often gives a more precise meaning. Simply because I don't understand some of the words (in any publication) does not mean it isn't written in my vernacular.
To grow in maturity (understanding) I have to study, regardless of the subject matter. To become proficient in woodworking required study. What is a
scarf joint? It isn't a head covering or worn around the neck.
Where in the scriptures, any version, does it say that study (work) isn't needed to rightly divide the word of God?
3. The ASB publication marked the material starting point of opening the flood gates of non-Catholic English Bibles. How many generations have passed since 1901? How many different "new translations" have come to market? How many updated versions/translations/editions has been needed to provide "what every previous generation had."?
One Bible translation was sufficient for most Baptists (in particular) for approx. 350 years. In the last 50 years, and especially since 1984, Bibles don't keep up with the "vernacular" if not updated every few (5-10) years. Is this God preserving His word for all generations? Or, is it secular publishing houses eeking out every cent of profit at the direction of their marketing departments? Even if it means producing gender neutral versions or versions with the sin of sodomy removed. (From what I understand there are now some versions that have omitted the word "sodomy". If that is an error on my part, please correct.)
The KJB is the one that I read and study. Others, I use in the same manner as commentaries whether reaching back in time to the Geneva or forward with the ASB, NIV, Holman, etc. and the vast list of choices found at Biblegateway.
In closing, one point that's rarely ever mentioned in these Bible version debates is the influence of Holy Spirit being reflected in the version choices people make. God promised to preserve His word. I believe that promise. His word is found in Bibles, on billboards, tee shirts, and more. I also believe that prayers for guidance has led me to stay with the KJB despite all the challenges to do otherwise.
Proverbs 2: KJB
Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;
4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;
5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.