ALL that can be certain is that God used a common template to say create primates, so we are close to other primates in dna, but God created man ONLY in His on image!
Actually no, that is NOT what the DNA tests show.
DNA tests are based on rigorously tested scientific principles. The most famous being Mendel's work on Genetic Inheritance.
There is only one scientifically verified way for an organism like a human or a chimpanzee to obtain its DNA, and that mechanism is inheritance.
Because of this, we can now conduct what could be loosely defined as "evolutionary paternity tests".
Just as we can take DNA from a father and child, and prove in court that they are related, we can also take DNA from different species, and also show if they too are related.. by common ancestry.
For example, If humans and chimpanzees share common ancestry as evolution states, then humans should not only share the same functional DNA, but they should also share the same mutations in their DNA. Also, they should share the same viral genetic invasions that occur over the natural course of fertilization and reproduction.
Now we've mapped the entire genomes of both humans and chimps. Those maps show exactly what evolution predicted over a century ago. Humans and chimps DO share not only the same genes, but we also share the same copy errors in the same locations on the same genes as well.. For example: you ever wonder why humans have to eat citrus fruit or we get scurvy, but other mammals like dogs and cats dont..? Its because the gene that metabolizes vitamin C in mammals like us is mutated and broken. It doesn't function, so we have to regularly eat fruits with vitamin C or we get sick.
Well chimps too share that same break in that same gene. (which there is no reason for, other than common ancestry)
Also, we share the same viral markers that have parasitically inserted themselves into the genome over geologic time.
These very distinct and observable markers made of virus proteins are a "slam dunk" for our shared common ancestry, since the ONLY mechanism that could put them in both species is inheritance. Both species HAD to inherit those markers through the sharing of a common evolutionary ancestor