Thats the problem roby.. Its TOO "simple"
Creation is proof of only one thing, and that's proof of what got created.
That doesn't mean you can assign that creation to a "someone"..
The fact of the matter is that once the Big bang occurred, it wiped out a massive amount of evidence for what may have preceded it..
Now, people like to speculate that the cause for our universe was a "someONE" rather than a someTHING, because we like that idea.. But from an "evidence only" standpoint, we really have no way to know for certain what caused it all..
B I N G O !
So, it really boils down to what you CHOOSE to believe; IE how you interpret the afore-mentioned EVIDENCE.
The only real difference in a Christian belief & that of a non-Christian is, a Christian will state upfront that the word of God takes precedence over science.
I once read that some scientist back in the beginning of the train era stated that a person would suffocate if they moved over (40??) MPH. (Sounds utterly asinine today, but back then —)
Science is wonderful, but it’s not perfect, and is routinely up-dated.