Heresy is a theological doctrine or system rejected as false by ecclesiastical authority (Britannica). It is an opinion contrary to church dogma, a dissent from dominant theory or practice, or an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to generally accepted standards (Merriam-Webster). The first known use is the 13th Century AD.
In 1618 Arminianism was condemned as a heresy (by the Reformed Church) and Arminius along with his followers (the Remonstrance) were condemned as heretics. Part of this became what is known as the “Five Points of Calvinism”. This was the entire purpose for the Synod of Dort (and the Five Points of Calvinism) – to judge whether or not the Five Articles of the Remonstrance and the doctrines associated with James Arminius were a departure enough to constitute heresy in regards to Reformed Theology.
I do not understand why a Calvinist, whose own theology holds Arminianism to be a heresy, is offended to learn that non-Calvinists in turn view their doctrine in much the same manner. But repeatedly this seems to be the case.
It appears that one group (here Calvinists) want to stick together and fight against doctrine in opposition to their opinion while at the same time being offended when non-Calvinists hold firm to their non-Calvinistic views. This does not make sense.
In 1618 Arminianism was condemned as a heresy (by the Reformed Church) and Arminius along with his followers (the Remonstrance) were condemned as heretics. Part of this became what is known as the “Five Points of Calvinism”. This was the entire purpose for the Synod of Dort (and the Five Points of Calvinism) – to judge whether or not the Five Articles of the Remonstrance and the doctrines associated with James Arminius were a departure enough to constitute heresy in regards to Reformed Theology.
I do not understand why a Calvinist, whose own theology holds Arminianism to be a heresy, is offended to learn that non-Calvinists in turn view their doctrine in much the same manner. But repeatedly this seems to be the case.
It appears that one group (here Calvinists) want to stick together and fight against doctrine in opposition to their opinion while at the same time being offended when non-Calvinists hold firm to their non-Calvinistic views. This does not make sense.