What is false about the statement, "Black Lives Matter"?
The majority of people involved in BLM marches are religious people who do not share the views of the ones who run the BLM website.
I'm assuming you are a white person. Have you specifically addressed the 'falseness' of white supremacy in our culture? Have you condemned the white supremacists at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville a few years ago? Have you condemned the white supremacist violence and rhetoric in your own community? There's plenty of it out there,
for instance, in a community near my home.
He is talking about STRUCTURAL racism, not necessarily personal racist beliefs. White persons seem to assume racism is simply a matter of the heart, but it is also a cultural ill of society, law, and history. Just as Christians interact with our culture to be advocates for pro-life concerns (also a social, legal, and historical matter), Christians my seek to do justice for those who are born into systems of disadvantage and oppression. The love of neighbor requires it, even if we didn't have so much scripture specifically calling for justice for the oppressed.
If you claim it is not a "gospel" matter, then you also need to say that to those who oppose abortion based on their Christian beliefs.