Since this is "Baptist Board - most members are Baptist - and the overwhelming majority of Baptists are OSAS - there as no need to provide Scripture. ...
I understand this is a Baptist Board, but not all Baptists subscribe to the particular OSAS teaching as they see it as error, or deviation from truth, also.
That you would say, "there [w]as no need to provide Scripture", concerns me a little, since this is a 'Baptist Board', where all matters of faith and practice are to be based upon thus saith the LORD. I was simply pointing out the assertion without even a single scripture reference to which study may take place over. I do not accept others assertions in these matters. To start a thread with an assertion without evidence to support it, or at least to explain from what basis you presently believe such, means that the thread began with the postion of 'No matter what evidence is brought from outside my position, I will not change my mind.' attitude. Should it not rather be, let's start with Genesis [as all doctrine may be found in seed form there, and so also in the Sanctuary; Psalms 77:13 KJB] and go through, and see the whole picture, and look at the details, ask questions of the scripture, and of one another, in brotherly charity.
For instance, in my prayerfully studied and tested [by scripture, KJB] position, I am not trying to take away anyone's salvation in Christ Jesus, their assurance in Christ Jesus, or promote the idea that any must fail of it, but that the scripture teaches the possibility exists to cast away that which was received and was freely given as a gift. I have also, in addition to scripture [KJB], personal testimony of a friend who believed OSAS, and because of the teaching in its conclusions, led him to treat sin lightly, and nearly cost him his marriage, and he ended up in jail for a time, and has a record with the state, and was giving up on God.
For instance, the Sanctuary service, was a model, or type of the plan of redemption.
At the gate it required the sacrifice. There the person, the sinner, came with repentant heart, with the sacrifice required by God, and thus confessed their sins over the sacrifice, while the priest stood there, and the sinner, the repentant, would then slay the sacrifice. The sinner was forgiven. They could go free of their sin, which was in type transfered to the sacrifice, in the blood thereof. They were to go from there in God's provided grace, to walk anew in the Law of God, knowing what it cost God to forgive them. The sin did not then disappear or become blotted out, but there was a further work to do by the priest, and later Highpriest with this transferred sin. It lay in the sanctuary in type, recorded in the blood, there, upon the veil before the Mercy Seat and Ark. Then in the end of the religious year, all of forgiven Israel, the peoples, had to come and present themselves before God. In this day, there was the possibility that they could still be cut off from Israel, and their sins placed back upon them. In the sanctuary, the sin was "covered" by the "blood", not eradicated yet. The record remained on file, as it were, until this final day [the Day of the LORD], where the High priest went in before God, bearing upon the breast plate of judgment, all the names of the children of Israel. The repentant and forgiven sinner was living in probationary time. This was the time of the review board, as it were. Angels are probationary officers. We check in with the office of correction through prayer, as angels are the ones who record and take those prayers to Heaven [Daniel 9:20-23; Matthew 18:10; Acts 10:1-5 KJB, etc].
Leviticus 23:29 KJB - For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.
Leviticus 23:30 KJB - And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people.
How then, would the OSAS position, stand even this Sanctuary test? Therefore, when looking at any other text or passage of scripture, it must be in harmony with this [John 10:35 KJB]. The NT writers, knew these things, as they are constantly speaking of the Sanctaury, and its purposes.
Jesus is fulfilling the feasts in their proper order, timing and seasons.
You did an excellent job! What I was concerned about (and which some do) is having several paragraphs of several hundred words to answer one question!
I do appreciate you honest answers - It appears we disagree - but can always agree to disagree.
Well, thank you for the compliment, as it is truly appreciated from yourself, brother [I like you], as it is rather difficult for me to shrink-wrap and vacuum-pack my answers, as I am used to detailed evidences, and hundreds of scripture references for everything I believe, practice.
Can I disagree with you about agreeing to disagree? As I disagree with such a statement, and do not find it has foundation in the word of God.