My friend, you have missed the entire point completely, I'm afraid. The post was a response to the continuous pretense that non-Calvinists don't understand or articulate Calvinism properly
Let me quote the initial post I made:
"Everyone knows what Calvinists believe, it isn't that esoteric...
Any faith so esoteric that 98.888% of the World's population can't understand or articulate it....
isn't a Bible faith, it's a demonic one."
You claimed Calvinism was esoteric
Nope, it was being presented as mysterious and esoteric. It is simple enough and we all understand it just fine.
No, it isn't, hence......non-Calvinists do, in fact understand it perfectly and can articulate it.
and nothing in your “support” suggests otherwise.
Right, because it isn't mysterious and esoteric.....therefore, Calvinists need to stop pretending that they alone articulate it correctly.
You claimed that less than 2% of the World population can understand it
Nope, Calvinists
act as though less than 2% of the World population understands it....i.e. every non-Calvinists who is perpetually accused of not understanding your position.
We do understand it.
That was the point.
which is probably not true and nothing in your “support” suggests otherwise.
Correct, because plenty of people understand it....including all the non-Calvinists who it seems never seem to have reached the enlightenment necessary to grasp this mysterious faith.
You claimed that less than 2% of the World population can articulate it,
The point is, we CAN articulate it.
You claimed that Calvinism is not Biblical,
I made no such claim.
But, since you mention it...
Of course, it is unbiblical in the extreme, and obviously so.
You claimed that Calvinism is a Demonic faith,
Nope, Mystery Religions are demonic.
Calvinism is not, in fact, a Mystery religion, therefore it is perfectly clear to the uninitiated.
And yet, when Calvinists don't like when people critique their faith, they pretend as though it is mysterious and incomprehensible to the uninitiated, that was my point.
I am quite sure that basically everyone else got that, especially the non-Calvinists who would grasp the point I was making perfectly.