Iconoclast vehemently denies he questions the salvation of others when called out on it...on what seems to be a daily basis. Let his words condemn him.
Any other cal want to join him in this belief? I would rather have one thread where I can go to in order to update who believes me to be a reprobate so I know for future reference in debate on this board. Amazing this blatant rule violation is allowed.
There is vitriol enough on both sides of most discussions on the BB.
What YOU are attempting is nothing short of adding fuel to the fire.
Rather than seeking for unity of the faith, this thread seeks to continue the rancor. It doesn't seek clarification, it seeks breaking camp to join one side or the other in the battle lines.
In my opinion, all posters on the BB have, at a point of post or more, foamed in excessive claim that one is short in meeting the standard someone else assumes.
Personally, the most difficult part of the BB for me is application of the Scripture, "A soft answer turns away wrath."
Admittedly, there may be far too much time spent on answering the fool, rather than letting the foolish display their foolishness for all to see. (proverbs)
On my own, as I have typed a response to some thread, there has come the question of what spirit is driving some folk's view; the familiar spirit or the Spirit of God.
I personally think the moderators do a rather excellent work in allowing some of the threads' heat to occasionally boil over, just to show everyone how absolutely necessary it is to be humble before the Lord Jesus.
I will say in regard to what may have generated your thread, that when one says they do not worship the same God as Calvinistic thinkers, that does present a significant problem.
If any scheme exalts the absolute sovereignty, righteousness, and justice of God, it is without doubt that of the Calvinistic view(s).
The non-cal views, which would in some way ascend some humankind of ability, fail in that regard. That is not to state they have some other God, but the claim that the God Calvinistic thinkers worship is not "their" God, has been leveled by the non-cal view writers toward the cal view. Is that not questioning the salvation, too? Will you start a thread of who is in that battle line?
For instance, recently a poster admitted they do not worship the same God as a Calvinistic thinker, and therefore, is by default admitting a worship of some other god. What they may call that god is up to them; it is never the less true that there is only one Sovereign God.
For Iconoclast to point that out and defend the truth of both the sovereignty and work of God's grace, is contending for the faith that is in him.
That is not to be regarded as impure, nor sinful.