Like I said in the op, let your own words condemn you.
Yes you said that Webdog.The problem that you do not seem to grasp is my own words do not condemn me.It is your jaundiced eye that has you being obsessed with this notion.There are four or five of you here who attack in this way because you are frustrated.
You cannot answer the biblical positions so you attack what I say by leaving out the context, or not reading the post correctly.
Everyone else does read the post as intended and if the truth be known they agree with the verses offered even if they think they could write it smoother than I can. Agedman read the thread correctly and answered exactly correct. You pouted and "added him to your list". Good luck with that.
You questioned me the other day on the image bearer doctrine using Gen.9:6.
I thought ok WD is finally engaging the scriptures....good.
I gave a solid biblical response that if anyone took the time they could find agreement in almost any systematic theology. I stand by that response.
Instead of agreeing with the response and maybe adding something edifying to looked to mis-read it....intentionally, or unintentionally...only you and God know your heart motive. It is ironic that you would post this:
For those with reading comprehension the purpose of the op is quite clear and needed no further validation. Thank you for adding yourself to my list
Really... this is tedious:thumbsup: Go make yourself some hot cocoa, and come back when you can enter in to some scriptural discussion.
Most come in here for that no matter what doctrines they hold. You and your 3-4 other teamates seem to have an aversion to that.
I have disagreements with several in here.That is good and can be healthy.
Move past your agenda and join the mainstream....let the healing begin:love2: