Yes many of us have read your posts carefully DHK.
You need to take up something productive like fighting windmills. You put up your own paper ducks to shoot at. No one has ever stated David was ‘blaming’ his mother, or that Psalm 51 was not about his own personal sin. ‘In sin did my mother conceive me’ are the words he used and you emphatically state that his mothers sin was not mentioned? Your blindness runs deep. The least one could admit is to the clear possibility he was in fact speaking of his mothers sin, not to blame her for his sin but rather to show that the sins of his mother indeed have a profound effect upon his life. His focus is clearly upon his mother in verse 5 when again he speaks of the influence of ones sin upon their posterity. Of a truth, sin influences ones posterity. I have seen it in the lives of some I know intimately. I have seen it in my own life as well, sad to say. When one couple I knew divorced, five of their children have either divorced or had serious marriage issues. It is obvious to anyone that knows this family that divorce and problems so often breed divorce and problems.
We see it our society over all. There is nothing strange in the least with David mentioning the effects of the sin of others example having a profound effect on his life as well.
Explain David’s half sisters DHK. Who was their father according to Scripture? Why did Jesse not bring one particular son “David’ when he was told by the prophet to bring ‘all’ his sons and that one would be anointed as a future king? That is not some isolated incident, but a preponderance of evidence David was in fact an illegitimate child. Why is it said that the Jews always looked upon David as an illegitimate child? But no! DHK will not even accept the possibility he could be wrong. Why would David write in a manner, or support any such notion in his Psalms that was a completely foreign notion to Rabbinical Judaism? Oh I know why DHK can have it no other way. He has a presupposition, an Augustinian dogma to support and will not have it any other way.