I disagree with your interpretation of Romans 4:5-12. That passage has nothing to do with repudiating ordinances in regeneraton or remissions of sins.
It has everything to do with remission of sins (Rom. 4:6-8). Imputed righteousness and remission of sins are the blessings of justification by faith and that is why the man justified by faith is the "blessed" man!
Romans 4:9-12 demand that these blessings of justification by faith, both postive and negative are received prior to any external submission to divine rites as Abraham was so blessed while IN UNCIRCUMCISION instead of circumcision which Rome demands/asserts/teaches is parallel to baptism. Hence, justification = imputed righteousness and remission of sins are obtained WITHOUT circumcision/baptism/divine rites by faith in the completed work of Christ that fully satisfied the Laws demands (Rom. 3:25) and is thus the "end of the law for righteousness (Rom. 10:4).
I don't know what passage you are referring to but Romans 3:25 says Nothing in that passage that says complete satsifaction.
It is found in the word "propitiation." To "propiate" is to satisfy! Christ SATISFIED the wrath of God's Law on sin. Christ SATISFIED the righteous demands of God's law for sinlessness as only a SPOTLESS lamb of God would do.
not substitutionary rather he offered up himself in brotherhood, a holy, perfect, blameless sacrifice, freely offered for all sinners for sinners.
Pure unadulterated 100% genuine hog wash! He suffered as the just "FOR" the unjust not WITH the unjust. He died "FOR" sinners not WITH sinners. The whole Levitical sacrificial system (The Type) is supremely SUBSTITUTIONARY in nature as the antitype.
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