Washington Post, 1991: "New York Newsday columnist Jim Dwyer, who published an interview with Accomando Friday, said the notion of so many bystanders watching a child being raped should have been treated more skeptically. 'It's a blood libel against New York,' he said. 'It's the kind of thing that feeds on everyone's wicked view of the city.'"
"I mean, almost a blood libel by the Republicans towards Al Gore, saying that he was trying to stop men and women in uniform that are serving this country from voting."--Rep. Peter Deutsch, Nov. 21, 2000
"Paladino speaks of 'perverts who target our children and seek to destroy their lives.' This is the gay equivalent of the medieval (and Islamist) blood-libel against Jews."--Andrew Sullivan, Oct. 12, 2010
"Blood Libel Against the United Nations"--headline on a Washington Post letter to the editor in 1996 rebutting the charge that 500,000 Iraqi children had died as a result of sanctions (presumably for reasons unrelated to Passover)
"Racism can explain part, but not all, of why the welfare state's equivalent of the blood libel stuck."--Samuel G. Freedman, reviewing "The Myth of the Welfare Queen" by David Zucchino in the Washington Post, 1997
NYT book review, 1989: "During the yellow fever plague a form of blood libel is imposed on the blacks in Philadelphia; they are said to be both responsible for and immune to sickness because of the color of their skin."