I remember a prominent t.v. pastor tell his listeners to pray one of the supreme court justices die of cancer. Shameful.
There has been constant involvement of pastors prominent or not in directing their congregations to vote (one way or the other depending on political views) and casting their political views to their salvation.
It is all shameful.
Peace to you
I would say political views are an evidence we should look at and take into account. For some reason, we want to exempt all political opinion as insignificant and irrelevant. 'One shouldn't sin, but can vote for sinful things all they want.' Why? Because the church must be apolitical.
But why? The church never used to think like this. It's a modern phenomenon.
Should Christians have been apolitical during the abolition debate?
Leftism is a very evil movement making its way into the Church. It's often under the guise of "social justice" and Christians are falling for it, either turning a blind eye, or even embracing it. Does Jesus really want us to ignore this fruit?
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