An Apology to Some Evangelicals July 2019 [LINK]
First, I ask your forgiveness for writing out of fear and anger at times.
Second, I ask your forgiveness for writing in ways that were sometimes indiscriminate.
Third, I ask your forgiveness for sometimes writing before I had sufficient details to comment effectively.
Fourth, I apologize for my sometimes dismissive, disregarding, rude, impatient and harsh tone on social media.
Fifth, I apologize for any ways I have misrepresented anyone’s motives, comments, or positions.
Sixth, I want to ask your forgiveness for acting out of hopelessness.
Finally, I ask your forgiveness for offering this apology and seeking your forgiveness in so tardy a fashion.
Pastors are people, people have weaknesses.
If I want a perfect pastor, one that doesn't make mistakes, I'd be changing churches every week.
I want a pastor that speaks with bold confidence, yet is humble.
I want a pastor that listens to others, yet is firm in his convictions.
I want a pastor that boldly convicts others to turn from their sins, but doesn't push me too hard to change mine.
Pastor Anyabwile is a complex man. I don't agree with some of what he writes but it is worth listening to another view point, spoken from a different cultural position.
Glad to see this. Now I will wait and see if he means it.