3 Days Brother .... Is that from start to finish & do you rehearse from the pulpit?
I do not put a time on it. Like Mex there have been times when a sermon takes all week. Regardless of how much knows there Bible praying and waiting on the peace of God to make sure you are in sync with Him. There is more to preparing a sermon than just knowing scripture. This is not a political speech, or some secular speech. You are endeavoring to represent God. Jesus Himself spent much time in prayer. Delivering a sermon should be done in the power and demonstration of the Spirit of God. As has been said many times when we enter the pulpit we can either show the people God, or we can show them ourselves, but we can never show them both.
I would not give two cents for a sermon or a preacher who so carelessly spends so little time in preparation. They need to repent and learn to be more careful.
It is a fearful thing to be in the hands of a living God. We better take that idea with us into the pulpit. Bailey Smith said some years ago that what this world needs is pulpits full of men who have been to the cross and have never gotten over it.
When we handle the preparation and delivery of God's word in such a careless manner that it becomes just another task that is to be completed in a pragmatic manner then we leave God out of it altogether and walk into the pulpit devoid of any true message from God regardless of how much Bible we know.