Maybe some of you already know this, but then maybe some of you don't.
The flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has what to the untrained may seem like just a bunch of scribbling above the sword.
Well, it isn't just a bunch of scribbling. In the Arabic language, this is what is printed on that flag:
There is no concept of "the separation of 'church and state'" in Islamic-controlled nations. They are one and the same.
To them, the "State" is merely the means by which Islamic ["Sharia"] law is enforced.
Most of us have already seen the atrocities carried out by Islamic extremists such as ISIS. To Islamic extremists/jihadists, life has no intrinsic value. Even innocent babies and/or young children who aren't even capable of making "rational" decisions concerning which "religion" is the only true one are either killed, tortured, or forced to become "soldiers" for their Islamic masters and ordered to kill their own parents and/or siblings. Should these young children (usually boys) become somewhat hesitant in carrying out their masters' orders, they too are killed or tortured.
The PC crowd tells us we should never do anything at all that smacks of offending Islamic people.
To a point, I agree that as Christians we should not go out of our way to be "offensive" to Islamic individuals.
Instead, we should love them as people with souls that will spend eternity somewhere. We should do what we can to help them understand that only Jesus Christ is "the way, the truth, and the life."
But, OTOH, we also need to keep in mind that the only goal for Islamic extremists/jihadists is to use whatever means they can to advance their satanic religion. Killing, torturing, raping, etc., is acceptable to them. Why? Because "Allah Wills It!!"
Think on these things.