Ah the Catch-22.
For what its worth, I disagree with the OP on two fronts:
1. Who cares what someone does and how much they are on the BB. I think its foolish for a person to think all a pastor does is pray, visit, and study. That isn't my day. My days are filled with meetings, meeting about meetings, pre-meetings, amongst other duties. There are often several days a week that will go by without me encountering a parishioner if I labor at my desk under the stack of paper that is consuming me.
2. That just because the BB says someone is online doesn't actually mean they're online. Not too long ago I came back to my laptop after being gone for several hours and discovered I had forgotten to go to another site. It probably looked like I was around that whole time...I wasn't.
In general I like coming around here as a relaxer. I've got an iPad now so I can pop up safari and swing through for a couple minutes while waiting on a meeting to get going (everyone is insufferably late recently) or if I'm waiting on something else. I'm a speed reader so I can breeze through posts and replies quickly. When I post replies I try to be concise and often don't reply until I've got a free moment.
I also use my iPhone when I'm out and about. Probably between the two, and because I don't always minimize the browser the BB doesn't realize I'm gone. The tracking software is only so smart.
These might be reasonable points as to why it appears some are around.
Rather than throwing around accusations maybe we can engage in a balanced discourse first to see what others might be doing and observing.:thumbsup: